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Recent content by Doughboy1998

  1. D

    PnL check, how's everyone holding up?

    What’s everyone running on overhead, cogs, and labor nowadays? I’m running a Delivery carry out no dine in operation Is anyone charging the 3% processing cc fee or just building into prices? Currently building into pricing since I don’t want to gouge the customers, but toast just raised their...
  2. D

    To go packaging

    Lol love how we are all living the same life with losing the bottoms
  3. D

    I'm out. I closed today

    Randomly checked on this and the reviews again. Man this is sad, bad for the community and embarrassing for him.
  4. D

    I'm out. I closed today

    Wow. This is crazy. Random thought here but anyway you could rebuy at pennys on the dollar to save it and just bring it back to where it was? Then maybe resell to someone else a year down the line who would it more seriously? Obviously you already got paid and presumably want to retire/enjoy the...
  5. D

    New Mover Program

    How many of those 27 are repeat customers?
  6. D

    I'm out. I closed today

    This is so spot on Tim and Im happy you got out at 65 to enjoy your life and quality time spent with loved ones. The pizza industry has drastically changed in the time I’ve had mine and I’ve only owned my shop for 3.5 years.
  7. D

    I'm out. I closed today

    This is awesome. The man was watching his inner demons burn that day. Also Marblehead is like 35 min away from my own shop so that’s pretty cool!
  8. D

    I'm out. I closed today

    Thanks Tim. Good luck on your future endeavors and enjoy the more time you get to spend with your family.
  9. D

    I'm out. I closed today

    Hey Tim, Congrats on the sale! I had a few questions for you if you don’t mind. I’ve been considering this in the next year or two. What’s your plan now? How long did it take to sell the shop, from engaging with broker to signing the APA? What was the SDE multiple it sold at?
  10. D

    Credit Card Surcharging

    Glad to see we’re all thinking about doing this since Mastercard, visa and worldpay have severely jacked up their rates again. Does anyone have a POS system that is stubborn about switching processors? I think mine takes a small mark up working with worldpay and is very uncooperative in switching…
  11. D

    Employees talk about wages

    This is an old school work mindset. In this new era of employment, we have to expect employees to discuss wages and stay competitive with the market or they will leave. What are you guys paying every position and where are you located? I’m assuming 12-13hr/start 15-17/ shift lead and 17-20/hr...
  12. D

    Pizza flour shortage?

    Hey guys been using robinhood flour for the past three years and love it. My distributor told me it’s going to be very difficult to come by here soon, so any recommendations you guys have for this sort of thing? Any flours you recommend as a sub or is anyone facing this same issue?
  13. D

    Advertising expenses

    Hey guys bought an established pizza shop 2.5 years ago and have been running it very similar to the previous owner with some slight changes. I’ve kept the advertising platforms the same. Been spending about $1800 a month on advertising thru mainly direct mail, loyalty rewards cards and a little...
  14. D

    Inflation check-in
  15. D

    Inflation check-in

    What margins are you guys running on food/supplies and labor right now? With the rise in both in the past 6 months I’m at 35% cogs and 27-32% labor for a Delco.