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Recent content by GotRocks

  1. G

    Cross Country motorcycle trip , where are you at?

    May 3rd I am riding out to Las Vegas from Northern WI, I’m riding 94 West to Minneapolis, 35 south to I-40, then running that west to Las Vegas. I will be stopping for the night near Emporia KS, and again near Kingman AZ (if the ride goes as planned) Who is along my route so I can stop in and...
  2. G

    Garlic parm sauce

    There is a thread on the forum from a few months back about making an Alfredo sauce right on the pie that cooks in the oven, maybe you could modify that by going heavier with garlic?
  3. G

    Portion cheese on pizza's

    If you use Grande cheese, Your rep will set you up with portion cups , The diced is easiest and most accurate to measure
  4. G

    At my end

    ya know, for 7 years I tried to find someone with enough brain power to be able to accomplish things without constant supervision, it never happened I wasn’t asking for much, just someone that could do things correctly without being constantly reminded on how to do it. I gave up, As for...
  5. G

    it looks like my run is coming to an end,

    It has been 10 days since i sold my place, people who know me are saying they’ve never seen me smile so much… I registered the new business in my state, and I have that keeping me fairly busy chasing down the equipment that I need. NO EMPLOYEES!!! and it is not in the hospitality industry...
  6. G


    Overall we have had a positive response to it, but of course you will always have a small minority who cannot wrap their head around it. The way I explain it is that it is simply a profit sharing program, instead of trying to hide that amount in the pricing, it gets charged as a line-item charge...
  7. G

    Who is ready for New Years?

    let me walk me previous statement back a little, we got slammed last night! I expect the next 2 nights to be even more insane.
  8. G

    Who is ready for New Years?

    not a good week for this area of the country, and Halloween sucks too, unlike the rest of you guys.
  9. G

    only 6 more days of work left, and I exit

    Thank you to everyone on this forum, I have learned several things and I hope I was able to share some of my knowledge that others have found useful I don’t think I’ll be taking much time off, I am starting a small towing company, winter in Northern WI presents plenty of towing work. My first...
  10. G

    only 6 more days of work left, and I exit

    the change of ownership of my place closes on January 6th, I agreed to a 5-year, 50 mile no-compete clause, I really hope they do not screw up my pizza. I am absolutely ecstatic about the sale,. the millennials have driven me to near insanity with their lack of work ethic and not taking...
  11. G

    Breakfast pizza

    wait, are you guys saying a regular pizza with sausage, Pep, and some veg is not a “Breakfast Pizza”? Sacrilege!!
  12. G

    Pizza boxes made in China

    I’d be very concerned about any food product or something that comes in contact with food from China. Look at the lead laden toys and sidewalk chalk from over there, the Garlic grown there, the plastic rice, the fake eggs in the shell. Just don’t do it! To offset the cost of boxes, see if one...
  13. G

    Deli meats

    @George Mills I happen to have one of those “Fussy Inspectors” you speak of, they can be a real pain in the butt, What it comes down to is if your state/county codes say they requires coolers to be NSF listed or not, Chances are that requirement is not written in applicable law (Unless you are...
  14. G

    Dec issue La Nova Ad

    Wow, The day we bought our new location, I put a few letters on the sign that were; OMG WTF BBQ A woman called swearing at me, told me she was going to “turn me in” call the Sheriff, Etc Etc Etc. When I explained that it was an abbreviation for “Oh My Goodness, We’re The Finest Barbecue” She...
  15. G


    My specials are typically based on what I have got to move so I do not lose it from being our of date. Lets say I am heavy on chicken wings, I’ll do “Any large specialty pizza gets wings 50% off” Sundays I may do a “Family Filler” with 8 pieces of fried chicken, amd a large (16") 2-topping pizza...