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  1. Rico

    Frozen pizza, how to reduce gum line

    Tom are you blast freezing in your first step after par-baking crusts and allowing to cool?
  2. Rico

    YEAST Shortage?

    I haven’t noticed anything here but you guys got me worried so I picked up a case yesterday just in case
  3. Rico

    Cross stacking - I don't get it

    We cross stacked bins when we were slower but have since switched to the method you are currently using for all the reasons you mentioned. We have not noticed any difference in the quality. More importantly the customer hasn’t noticed any difference as we were steadily increasing business before...
  4. Rico

    Grande Rebate - Free Money

    I believe they contact your distributor. Rico Uncle Rico’s Pizza Visit us online: Lets Connect SnapChat: Add me as a friend - unclericospizza Twitter: Facebook: LinkedIn...
  5. Rico

    Frozen pizza, how to reduce gum line

    I’ve tried docking them. It doesn’t work. I’ve got a system down now that if I fork them after about a min before they start to bubble it takes care of the problem but just time consuming having to sit by the oven for the whole run.
  6. Rico

    Lincoln 1000 cooks hot in the back

    Is the back not used as much as the front? Maybe you have some fingers clogged up from bread crumbs, burnt cheese etc. Just a guess.
  7. Rico

    Pizza cooking from oven to the customers

    Is that 250 celsius or fahrenheit? Take a slice from a cooked pizza, while it’s still hot flip the slice upside down so that the bottom is facing you, with your hands rip the slice in half (don’t burn yourself), if the crust rips nicely it’s cooked well, if you see a gummy web when ripping the...
  8. Rico

    Grande Rebate - Free Money

    I got my check last week! It’s $0.20 per pound of cheese purchased from February 17th, 2020 - March 15th, 2020.
  9. Rico

    Frozen pizza, how to reduce gum line

    I’ve been working on some frozen pizzas myself. I’ve noticed that when I par bake with sauce on them those are the ones that are giving me a gum line. When you don’t add the sauce they bubble like crazy and need constant attention. If anyone has a solution I would like to hear it as well. Using...
  10. Rico

    Conveyor oven temperature

    Can you be a little more specific. What are you looking to do. There’s not really a “best” temperature. It’s what ever will get you the finished product looking and cooking the way you want it.
  11. Rico

    Best option for new Conveyor oven?

    I’ve been using EDGE last 6 years. Great ovens & customer service and their Warranty in unheard of in the food equipment industry
  12. Rico

    Best approach for wings

    The only factor that you mentioned that would be relevant would be the heath factor. You would be able to get two decent fryers and fit them in about the same space as one of those ovens, gas line installed, grease trap installed for about half the price or even less that one of the ovens you...
  13. Rico

    How many pizza's per labour hour?

    Your limiting factor will be your ovens. It will not matter how much staff you have on if your ovens can’t cook the pizzas. Contact the oven manufacturer and ask them if they have any information. Then it will depend on employee count (don’t have enough you won’t be able to produce), employee...
  14. Rico

    Best approach for wings

    Why wouldn’t you want to just invest is some fryers? They will also allow you to expand you menu offering and be a little more versatile.
  15. Rico

    Covid-19 CARES ACT. What everyone needs to know!

    I found a way to attache the file. This is a spreadsheet that I created using SBA guidelines. I’m still not sure whether they are requiring FTE Employee count or just a Headcount. Everyone is leaning towards the headcount. Also not sure on the percentage of headcount. I’ve been told if I don’t...
  16. Rico

    Covid-19 CARES ACT. What everyone needs to know!

    Talk to your accountant. You need to use above 75% off loan proceeds towards payroll and keep employee count above 75% from what you stated you had on your application for any of the loan to be forgiven.
  17. Rico

    Please vote for your favorite POS application

    Steve, I’m picking up what you’re putting down now. It’s on the SpeedDine side when someone enters their address it is not recognizing it as a valid address.
  18. Rico

    Please vote for your favorite POS application

    The Live Maps has improved a lot. Most of the time when the POS gives you an error that it wasn’t able to map the location I can just override the warning and live maps will still find the address. If its a street address that the Speedline can’t find (auto fill the blank) you can just update...
  19. Rico

    Please vote for your favorite POS application

    Speedline Solutions - Very honest company, always working on ways to improve, their system does just about everything you can ask for, customer support is spot on, open api. Those are just a few reasons.
  20. Rico

    Thinking of buying a second location... asking price seems off though!

    That’s basically the whole payroll for one person. Is he a 1 man show? Doesn’t sound right. To start ask for last 3 years P&L’s. Look for sales trend and anything that shows a huge decrease or increase from 1 year to the next or any discrepancies between the years in expenses.