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  1. B

    Pan pizza or screen pizza. Which one and why?

    I prefer no pan or screen. Only way to do ny pizza in my opinion. 🙂
  2. B

    oven decisions

    After using several different brands over the years I fell in love with marsal and sons deck ovens. I would highly recommend giving them a look.
  3. B

    Hand stretched dough is this becoming a lost art?

    Maybe I need to rethink the training then. They have no problem getting the pies looking the same but small details still jump out with the finished product.
  4. B

    Hand stretched dough is this becoming a lost art?

    That is the number 1 problem when hand stretching pies. I’ve had customers come in and tell me they know I had the night off because the pizza came out different… It’s not something you can train.
  5. B

    Ventless fryers

    I’m actually now leaning towards a ventless hood system instead due to the volume issue. One of our huge sellers are wings and i’m not sure the ventless fryer would keep up even off peak times.
  6. B

    Hand stretched dough is this becoming a lost art?

    I’ve found the same thing, even the guys that can hand stretch it don’t know how to do it off a pizza peel.
  7. B

    Ventless fryers

    Hello, I was hoping to get more information on ventless fryers, The new location we are looking at is becoming a challenge to pipe out the exhaust and started looking at this option. If anyone has one or has used one can you give me an idea of how they compare to a floor mount fryer? Capacity...
  8. B

    pizza disk/screen? deck oven

    I’d have to agree it sounds like too much flour on the peel, you shouldn’t have to sweep out the oven after each load. I generally do it once at the end of the night and that’s it.
  9. B

    Few questions regarding pizza business

    I would second that. If you are lucky you won’t make anything the first year or two. If you’re unlucky you will lose money. Take a job somewhere and learn what you can then decide if it’s what you want to do.
  10. B

    Start delivery?

    I’m confused by the first sentence when you say “most of my customers are Hispanic”. Is that relevant or am I missing something? To answer your question offering delivery would require a driver and that’s about it. Yes it’s easier when you have a pos and other things but not a requirement.
  11. B

    Clay oven viable for NY-style pizzeria?

    Honestly for your first time I wouldn’t go with an open flame type oven like pictured on the website. They are tricky to use and not great when it gets busy. The price point you mentioned makes it harder to decide but knowing what I know I wouldn’t start out like that. Maybe someone else will...
  12. B

    Those who use deep fat fryers

    Agreed, leave them on. Even if you manage to save money it’s a matter of a few cents anyway.
  13. B

    NY expected to approve min fast food wage to $15/hr

    Yep, Only the strong will survive. Buckle up!
  14. B

    POS Advice - Future POS ?

    Being from NY you should look into Harbortouch. We’ve been using it for the past 2 years with zero problems. Bonus is there is no upfront cost. You just have to use them for CC processing which is right inline with most everyone else. You pay a monthly service fee depending on how many systems...
  15. B

    Best bakeable wings & chicken tenders?

    Do you have any issues with customers not wanting to wait that long for wings?
  16. B

    Need Oven Advice

    Why not just pick up another deck oven so you have a double stack, would be much cheaper and meet both your requirements.
  17. B

    What role do you play in the day to day operation of your business?

    I agree with the above post, I bought a pizzeria because this is what I’m good at and enjoy doing. I open everyday and close every night, couldn’t imagine sitting home all day…
  18. B

    Tossing flour

    Light sprinkle of flour only, Hate the mess of semolina.
  19. B

    Best vehicle for pizza owner?

    Big gas guzzler ford expedition here. It doubles as a catering vehicle when we need the extra space.
  20. B

    So is Super Bowl Sunday your busiest day of the year?

    Halloween was by far the best day, super bowl is busy for 3 hours then it’s over. same numbers as a typical Friday night for us.