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  1. B

    I am the new guy

    Welcome new guy
  2. B

    oven question

    I’m getting ready to have the same thing done on our Marsal ovens. I was quoted a price $90 for the parts and about 1 hour labor.
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    If you’re shooting for a NY style that is pretty much the accepted method. We hand toss the pies then put them directly on the bricks to cook and find they come out much better then starting on screens. I would try both and see which you like better.
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    We sell the mini ones, $3.25 for 3. People love them.
  5. B

    A bit confused?

    bodegahwy is in a ski resort town so it would be opposite but generally as weather gets warmer business picks up.
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    How Much Cheese

    Using whole milk you can get away with using a touch less as it spreads better. Quality of the cheese makes a difference also.
  7. B

    What do you pay someone to run your social media?

    And she wants a raise? Like the others mentioned, You are getting shafted. Making a few posts each week would take about as long as it took you to create this topic, My wife would happily do that for free and your partners should do the same.
  8. B

    Acceptable amount of mistakes?

    Mistakes will happen no matter what, You should focus on the cause of mistakes and if it’s isolated to one employee or a specific area. We have a small crew who have been with us for a long time so mistakes are almost zero. If you train properly and make a constant effort to stay on top of...
  9. B

    Stanislaus full red pizza sauce

    Looks to be a pretty standard pizza sauce which should do you good. You can adjust the water for the thickness you desire.
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    Cheese shredding and dough

    Never really kept track of it since it gets used usually by the second day but Cheese should be good for several days stored in a cooler. We personally keep dough balled in stackable trays in the cooler for use.
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    condenser coils

    Compressed air and a shop vac seems to work fine here, I don’t see any reason to get carried away with chemicals.
  12. B

    Moving Oven

    Details would be great, We have a set of Bakers Pride y600’s which look to much easier to install as the legs simply bolt to the bottom, The new Marsal ovens come with a L-Framed pedestal type thing which sits about 3 feet off the ground which would require lifting the oven up and over it and...
  13. B

    Moving Oven

    Any other suggestions on getting this thing moved? I found several people that will get it transported but the biggest issue is getting the oven up and onto the pedestal legs… Any ideas?
  14. B

    Moving Oven

    One other question if you wouldn’t mind, The oven came set up for Nat. Gas but was converted to propane. I understand the procedure to convert it back is simple but cannot find any information on how to do it?
  15. B

    Moving Oven

    Got it and responded. Thanks
  16. B

    What do you think of the new Tank?

    I second adding a defining border between posts.
  17. B

    Moving Oven

    That is correct, I would very much appreciate that. Thanks!
  18. B

    Moving Oven

    Hello, I hope somebody can give me advise on the best way to move and install an oven? I purchased a Marsal 10866 single stack which is currently in a storage unit, I need to find a way to transport it to the pizzeria and figure out a way to get it setup correctly. I thought of renting a...
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    Not the exact thing but here’s a few: … Tower.html
  20. B

    Ansul System above my oven?

    I’m in NY also and I’m not sure they are talking about pizza ovens in that paragraph. I might be wrong but I don’t have an ansul system over our double stack BP’s. and have never had any issues with the fire inspector or anyone else. We have type 1 hoods with ansul system over the fryers and...