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  1. G

    Pizza cloud reviews

    How long have you had Pizza Cloud? Can you give me an indication of how big your installation was? Have you had any service/repair issues yet? What prompted you to change from what you had before? Thank you for responding.
  2. G

    Pizza cloud reviews

    Looking for input, comments, reviews. Anything would be appreciated.
  3. G

    Kitchen Humidity and Dough

    Many years ago I used to be in the pie business. We encountered many of the same issues being discussed here. The best dough we made was as a result of putting flour in the walk in a week ahead of time and in addition we made up portioned buckets of water and put them in the walk in the night...
  4. G

    Pizza Drive Thru

    Our situation is different because we serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. We are about ready to open our drive thru and will probably not have pizza pick up at the window. Breaking new ground, there will be mistakes and adjustments. We do want to serve slices from the drive thru in addition to...
  5. G

    Pizza Drive Thru

    Who has a drive thru? How is working for you? What were the biggest issues you faced when you opened? Did you have to scale down your menu? Did it significantly increase your sales or simply cannibalize existing dine in/pick up sales? How did it effect your ticket average? Any customer...
  6. G

    Pizza prices

    I was reading an article about the owner of a fairly big company. They have a very good reputation and they make it a point to manage and monitor their social media. They generate a lot of positive feedback. The owner said one of his employees ran in to his office and was very agitated about a...
  7. G

    Impact of high cogs

    Poke thoughts. Relatively easy entry business. Can occupy very small square footage. You might have the best Poke business in the area but every mom & pop that goes into a very small location that requires much less capital to open and is operated by the owners and that might even not be quite...
  8. G

    Cheese Prices - Chicago Area?

    California. Anybody using Sysco Arezzio? Last price here 2.23/lb
  9. G

    Topping Prices

    Since we are both in California I have some questions. If they are to intrusive no problem. California and San Francisco. I cannot imagine a worse scenario for labor costs. What kind of square footage do you occupy? About how many employees at your location? What is the pay range? What would a...
  10. G

    Topping Prices

    Looking forward to getting over there one day. Don’t know why I have not yet. What is your location that is most close to the 91?
  11. G

    Topping Prices

    North Orange County, a few locations. I was thinking about the California Fee and then the minimum wage increase coming January 1st again. At what point do we begin pricing people out of the market? It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. We talk about the lowest common denominator...
  12. G

    Topping Prices

    New prices coming this week. Side note. We are in the lunatic state of California where some chains are now adding a surcharge for “doing business in the state of California” (their words not mine). Interesting because in the past operators just raised their prices when expenses rose from...
  13. G

    Topping Prices

    Although the range of prices is interesting and helpful I would think it important to know the spec for the quantity of toppings or am I missing something? I have seen on a 16" , for instance, anything from 15 pieces to 105 pieces. And what about the quality as it relates the price of the topping?
  14. G

    Casual dining?

    Been there done that. If the facility significantly changes it is often just like opening a brand new restaurant. You lose X amount of your existing customer base and it takes time to build a new customer base. It is like evaluating a change in a recipe or a particular method of operation. If...
  15. G

    Existing Pizzeria acquiring another long time local Pizzeria

    One other thought. Is this friend operating just one location? Now he is proposing to buy a second one? With one location an owner/operator can affect everything in his business. He is there every day and he is directing the operation every day in every detail. Going to a second location tests...
  16. G

    Existing Pizzeria acquiring another long time local Pizzeria

    Random thoughts. As Royster notes, his customers are apparently happy with the “different from your pizza”. There is an existing customer base and no matter what some part of that customer base is going to leave and you are going to have to replace it. That takes time and money. There is always...
  17. G

    Deck ovens vs rotating pan ovens vs conveyor ovens

    There is a multi unit pizza company in our area using deck ovens generating significant sales. The wait times cannot get that far out of line or there would be comments from places like “seek the negative first” Yelp. I have not seen any. I do see multiple banks of deck ovens that must mitigate...
  18. G

    Deck ovens vs rotating pan ovens vs conveyor ovens

    We have rotating pan ovens and have also used conveyor ovens. #1. How does the bake quality of a deck oven compare to the rotating pan ovens and conveyors? #2 I was reflecting the other day on the adjustments necessary on both of the other ovens in a years period of time. It would seem that a...
  19. G

    Direct Mail best time periods

    What are the best times of the year to mail? Overall how do summer time mailings work out? Start of school year? What direct mail methods have worked best for you especially in terms of frequency? Content…Simply a menu? Discounted products? A freebie? Your thoughts would be appreciated.
  20. G

    the USDA, America has 1.385 billion pounds of cheese

    I was talking with someone in the produce business on a fairly large scale the other day. The issue was why so many seemingly illogical price changes. He said that today it is not who has the largest farm or an area with the most farms; it is who has the most refrigerated square footage. The...