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  1. G

    Claim from Equal opportunity commission anyone?

    Wait, What? How, or why did you settle? I would’ve fought that until my dying day (or the claimants dying day, which could very well happen sooner than planned if they came at me with stupidity like that) So far, I have not had the pleasure of dealing with anything like this, lets hope it stays...
  2. G

    Lets discuss pepperoni and mushrooms

    There was a pizza place in Milwaukee that used canned exclusively, and I loved their product, My preferences can go either way, that’s why we offered a choice, I am not saying one is superior to the other, Then I look at “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
  3. G

    how to encourage people to pay with cash vs credit

    I considered a discount or a surcharge, but figured it wasn’t worth the effort. Now maybe if some POS software provider made it easy to do, by having an automatic percentage added or dedeucted without the cashier needing to manually do it, I may look at that option again? @wa dave has the...
  4. G

    over run by drugged employees in colorado ,,,,,,

    I had a drunk on my staff for a few months, I had to let him go. Not only was he screwing things up, his reputation of the town drunk was detrimental to our reputation. I see someone walk in here with eyes that look like two pee-holes in the snow, they get sent home. I do not care if I need to...
  5. G

    Who oils their dough trays? And Who does not?

    Lets see how quickly their attitude changes as all associated prices inflate to make up for that obnoxious minimum wage… Our state just passed a drug testing bill for those collecting unemployment, Gotta love Wisconsin
  6. G

    Lets discuss pepperoni and mushrooms

    Canned shrooms; We offered a choice of canned or fresh, and not one single person opted for the canned mushrooms for 6 entire months, so when we emptied that case, never reordered them. I was very surprised by this, I thought I would see a 50/50 split on canned/fresh There is a pepperoni made...
  7. G

    Working Capital

    Guys, I am not saying that I had 18 months of working capital. I am just saying that 18 months worth is the safe zone you want to be in. 1 day before we opened (7 years ago) I had less than $20.00 to my name. I did COD on everything and hoped we had a great opening weekend.
  8. G

    Who oils their dough trays? And Who does not?

    We used to oil our balls and the dough boxes, We no longer oil anything. The balls would slide around when stacking, they used to spread out too rapidly, and because my dough recipe requires a percentage of old acidic blown out dough, it was throwing off my oil percentage on each new batch too...
  9. G

    Working Capital

    the typical rule is to have at least 18 months of working capital banked, enough to cover 18 months of operation paying all the bills without a single person walking through your door. It can be done with less, but 18 Months worth is the safe zone
  10. G

    Sliced tomatoes have some new rules , but need clarifications

    Yup, but that applies when serving as an RTE products, my inspector is barking at me trying to apply those rules where they do not apply/
  11. G

    Sliced tomatoes have some new rules , but need clarifications

    Water? Nobody drinks water around here, Because fish fart in it. The sliced fresh tomato deal I can understand because of recent salmonella outbreaks , but inspectors are supposed to look at your menu and nowhere does our menu have fresh tomatoes served without them being cooked on a pizza, we...
  12. G

    Chicken Topping

    Mountaire is a great product, I request that brand whenever I can get it, Golden plump is nice also, but they must be using Wisconsin chickens, because those thighs are really thick! 😉
  13. G

    Sliced tomatoes have some new rules , but need clarifications

    Yeah see. My local health department doesn’t know a heck of a lot of anything outside what is printed in their books, they are well known for mis-citing incorrect statutes and trying to apply rules where they do not apply, We get “What I’d like to see” instead of what the actual law is. I have...
  14. G

    Sliced tomatoes have some new rules , but need clarifications

    Due to a salmonella outbreak years ago, sliced tomatoes are now considered a potentially hazardous food. I can understand that, when they are not cooked, and served as an RTE product (Salads, & such) What I am not getting an answer to; is if you only use them on pizza, when they are cooked as a...
  15. G

    Chicken Topping

    chicken breast pieces sysco item 2959781 $64.47 for 40 pounds, I do not know how good/bad it is, never used it Random breasts 10 oz & up, 7203474 40 pounds, $58.37, decents, requires trimming thighs, skinless/boneless 7792187 $58.42 for 40 pounds no trimming required, cook and use
  16. G

    making sub rolls in a conveyor oven?

    Ya know, back in the day (Early 1980’s) when little Caesars was showing up in my state, they made sandwiches where they baked the funky looking sandwich roll to order in their conveyor ovens, it was spectacular! it was an odd shaped triangle’ish bun, Does anyone else remember these sandwiches?
  17. G

    Anyone ever terminate a lease?

    Outstanding! I beleive this would be a better way to go and have a paper trail instead of just bailing. Be like a hub cap! (Cover your nuts)
  18. G

    Chicken Topping

    We get 40 pound cases of skinless/boneless thigh meat that we smoke in our BBQ Pit (we are primarily a BBQ place) we serve it hot as pulled chicken dinners/sandwiches, and any leftover stuff gets chilled and relegated to the pizza end of the line. We have 3 specialty pizzas that get chicken; Our...
  19. G

    Anyone ever terminate a lease?

    I well worded letter to the management of that location from your attorney may do wonders for you, with quotes from the lease, and health laws. the way I see it, how can you keep a sanitary workplace if there are no barriers to keep the infestation out of your unit?
  20. G

    Anyone ever terminate a lease?

    This is where an attorney would be handy to review the lease, especially where it says “Duties of leasee/leasor” There has got to be something in there about suitability for business purpose. A call to the health department at this point my be like shooting yourself in the foot, so tread carefully.