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  1. G

    it looks like my run is coming to an end,

    Ha! One of the business opportunities I am considering out there is “Dry-Ice Blasting” . So your comment is very relevant and also humorous. It is a great way to clean kitchen equipment and walk-in coolers/freezers. There’s no lack of potential clients in and around las vegas. Plus dry ice...
  2. G

    How do I find the right town in my area to open a new pizza shop?

    A little equation that I found to be fairly accurate is that “20% of the population goes out for pizza 2 times per month” Take that number, divide it by the number of other shops, and you may have an optimistic number to work with , I would also use 10% & 15% figures for a “poor” & “midline”...
  3. G

    it looks like my run is coming to an end,

    Thank you very much. I do still plan to participate here, and visit some members establishments this coming summer. By culinary background has been heavy in French & Northern Italian cuisine, to the horror of my “Cooking friends” I started a BBQ joint that was also supposed to have wood-fired...
  4. G

    it looks like my run is coming to an end,

    I guess I’m just done with always needing to be the adult in every situation, I do plan to relocate to a warmer climate (The Mohave Desert is my first choice), maybe even start another biz out there, or just be somebody else’s employee for a decade or so. when I wrote my business plan, i...
  5. G

    Driver ran over a motorized bicycle

    it looks like the derailer and possible a wheel. As neglected as that thing is. no way I’d consider paying new replacement, I’d pay half of book value in its neglected condition of only the parts needed.
  6. G

    it looks like my run is coming to an end,

    We have an interested buyer that hopes to take over operations on December 1st So, my plan is to take a month out on the Harley to ride across the country and visit as many of you guys as I can.
  7. G

    Mac and cheese pizza

    Yes, we have our Mac cooked, and refrigerated, What we do with the EZ Melt is use 2.5 cups of water to 1/2 block of the cheese, melt it in a double boiler. We hot-hold that, and ladle it out as needed.
  8. G

    Mac and cheese pizza

    Check out something made by 'Land O Lakes" named “EZ-Melt” you may be much happier with it than a canned cheese spread. We use it for our Mac & Cheese.
  9. G

    Really weird employee issue

    Wow. This “Adult” is unreliable, and his parents are enabling him to be part of the “Entitlement Generation” What next, are you supposed to provide a “Safe Space” for him and have “Trigger Warnings” to something that may upset him? Don’t worry, you’ll read about this person in some obscure news...
  10. G

    Pizza Phone Systems

    I am in the middle nowhere in northern Wisconsin, and I have been using Charter Cable for phones for 7 years, we had one outage that lasted maybe an hour at most. The motel next to me changed to charter 2 years ago when he saw the success we were having compared to our local phone provider. the...
  11. G

    Buffet waitress tips

    the animosity between kitchen and floor has always been there, and it has always been aggravating to me, even when I was a lowly fryer cook (35 years ago) We went to “No Tipping Allowed” and everybody is now happier, and I have true teamwork taking place here without hearing “I don’t get tips...
  12. G

    Credit Cards

    I ran a full year without accepting cc/debit cards, It amazes me that some people do not have as little as $20.00 in their pocket. We had many people just turn around and leave when they learned no CC accepted. So we were basically forced to accept cards, and we have days where 90% of our sales...
  13. G

    Help with Alfredo Sauce... need to thin it out!

    Is there a reason that you cannot make Alfredo sauce to order? Garlic, Heavy Cream, Parmesan, a pinch of seasoning, Sweat your garlic in a saute pan with clarified butter, add heavy cream & seasoning, reduce the cream slightly, add cheese, toss in pasta. This is a 3 minute operation to do this.
  14. G

    Chili recipes or brand recommendation please!

    Neither, I prefer using leftover beer from St Patrick’s day for my liquid.
  15. G

    Chili recipes or brand recommendation please!

    Many places by me get Hormel in #10 cans and doctor that up. (no other comments on that from me) We use our beef Brisket scraps, Ancho & Guajillo peppers for our base flavor plus cumin, garlic S&P I’ve been wanting to do a green pork chili, but then I remember where I live and that nobody would...
  16. G

    Gyros, What the heck am I thinking?

    I’ve been thinking of what else I can do with the spit. and that is a great idea, I may play around with that. Last Saturday, I had a horizontal rotisserie downtown for our annual “Beef A Rama” event. (yes it is a real thing) and we prepared a Jerk...
  17. G

    Gyros, What the heck am I thinking?

    “Mediterranean or Greek fast casual are all really taking off around Southern California” So that means it’ll be another 10-15 years before that happens in my area… We are primarily a BBQ place, that does pizza & wings too, I am doing things here that other places do not offer around me. In the...
  18. G

    Gyros, What the heck am I thinking?

    Since we are rocking an exhibition kitchen that is fully op[en to the dining room, I decided to go with the vertical spit and slice to order right off the cone, I see myself upgrading to a better power knife real soon because of them. (Bettcher Whizard is the one I want) tonight’s crowd saw the...
  19. G

    Gyros, What the heck am I thinking?

    Nobody does authentic gyros within 35 miles of me, And I’ve been threatening to bring them into the mix here for over a year now. After me waiting in line for 90 minutes to get a gyro at a local motorcycle rally a week ago, that made my decision to offer them much easier. I also plan to bring...
  20. G

    the age old cliche: "it's hard to find good help"

    Being a long time “Kitchen Person” and I have worked in a team environment in my entire career, That manager is going to need to EARN the respect of the crew. it isn’t just granted. One thing I tell my new guys, “You aren’t ever going to be asked to do anything that I do not already do” Instead...