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  1. G

    Cheese price climbing

    Bingo! What’s been killing me is the price of pork & beef, 50% increase in pork 6 weeks ago, beef has been insane for 2+ years now
  2. G


    I saw a CC fraud case be handled by local police and the CC company, and it appears they had no intention of ever prosecuting the person. The police wouldn’t do anything. It was a server editing the tip amount after the customer had left, it became known to the owner when several patrons were...
  3. G

    Fresh vs Frozen

    Fresh Italian sausage is so easy to make in house, and the needed equipment can be a $40.00 manual grinder, or spend a few bucks and add a grinder head to your mixer. If you want to grind your own, I’ll share a tasty recipe with you. I get boneless picnic trim in 60# cases and grind that into...
  4. G

    Daily meeting / huddle ?

    We do a rundown on the days plans, what to expect, bulk or catering order that day and upcoming catering just to get everyone on the same page. Most important for the way I manage my crew; Every single night they are all told that they did a great job, and thanked for their their stellar...
  5. G


    I run commercial internet radio through Itunes, I used to like apple radio, but they killed that service. Beware of ASCAP & BMI playing music that is not on a commercial station. I also play local stations off an internet feed. I just have my receiver hooked to a computer terminal for that
  6. G

    Repeating Order back to customer

    I am riding my cashiers every single day to repeat orders back to the customers before collecting payment to cut down on mistakes. I am counter service only, and with the new EMV card procedures it is very difficult to edit a payment, so each mistake costs us financially and makes us look...
  7. G

    alfredo sauce from scratch baked

    Same Stuff, Different name. Just use more cream until you find what you like for consistency. All I do is cream and romano for the sauce, top and bake as usual. For a better understanding, we do a 16 inch pizza from a 16 ounce dough ball (62% hydration, 3% oil) that is hand stretched/tossed, so...
  8. G


    Wow, I guess I am really lucky. To date I have never had even one chargeback, and I am in a heavy tourist area. But, we take very few cards over the phone, and all 3 terminals have new E2E EMV complaint keypads, my crew does not touch a card ever.
  9. G

    breaking exclusivity agreement with broker

    Ouch, The way I see it is that this broker was less than honest, I would speak with an attorney and see if you will have repercussions from breaking this contract. If the attorney is confident that the broker will go away without too much butthurt, go for it, but be ready to be in court against...
  10. G

    Flour recall

    Think about how big of a bullet that I dodged with this! Because if an E-Coli outbreak would have been traced back to me, it would have made front page news, and a month later when I get cleared of wrongdoing, the news wouldn’t bother , or if they did, it’d be buried someplace. My inspector is...
  11. G

    Flour recall

    No illnesses reported, luckily
  12. G

    Flour recall

    Sysco called me over a month ago saying I got tainted flour, but I had already used it
  13. G

    I try not to post here often, but I need to vent somewhere

    Short of having a manager stand over them and supervise every step for the entire shift, what are you saying? Yes they are trained and taught the proper way to do things, What I am seeing is lack of paying attention to anything, I see it outside of work too with most anyone under 40 years of...
  14. G

    Pokemon Go

    Ya know, I looked at it, and decided against it. A fine-dining establishment 1 block up the street is a poke-stop, I wonder how that’s working out for them since 95% of their clientele are upwards of 65 years old
  15. G

    Bad Hummer

    No such thing, just some are better than others, unless of course their are braces or jagged piercings involved
  16. G

    I try not to post here often, but I need to vent somewhere

    Could you expand on your comment a little bit so I may have a better chance of understanding the message that you are trying to convey? At face value, I believe you are trying to say is “Don’t hire idiots” Or you could be saying “If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys” Either way, why don’t you...
  17. G


    A pizza guy could dream of doing that volume, right?
  18. G

    Handing Out Pick Up Orders

    That sounds good in theory. But I believe that you are giving drunk college kids too much credit. We have a first & last name, and an order number, we do not have drunken idiots, and we still have people trying to grab somebody else’s food. Then of course we had counter people who wouldn’t...
  19. G

    Mandatory Tipping

    | Gotcha, I misunderstood. I thought you were pooling tips and disbursing among non-service personnel in a restaurant situation, not catered events.
  20. G

    Mandatory Tipping

    Be careful with tip splitting outside of your FOH people, there is a federal law prohibiting that, so if an FOH person wanted to raise a stink, it could go very badly. Here is an article that highlights that practice, and a good explanation of why others, and we did what we did >>>>>...