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  1. G

    Angry, Crazy Customer

    I can understand his anger, maybe he came here just to vent, In this day and age, arguing with a customer is a lost cause, especially with all the review sites
  2. G

    Wood burners

    But lets pay no attention to the internal combustion engine exhaust
  3. G

    Newfoundlander calls 911 to tell police there isn't enough cheese on her pizza

    Typically you here about this kind of Idiocy out of Florida. I remember a guy called 911 because burger king quit serving iced tea, and another because McDonalds ran out of nuggets
  4. G

    Type 1 Vent hood

    Correct, The point that I am trying to make is that some inspectors will say things must be done a certain way, but if “That certain way” is not written in the codes that they are tasked to enforce, where would the basis in fact be? The only instance where someone can legitimately make demands...
  5. G


    Its not like any Hobart or Berkel branded unit that I have ever seen
  6. G

    Type 1 Vent hood

    True, But it is outside of an inspectors scope to make up their own regulations as they go. There must be some basis in law through elected officials otherwise we have a tyrant situation.
  7. G

    Angry, Crazy Customer

    @Jwarlow It is obvious to me that you did not put yourself in that customers position. Who knows, maybe this “Dad” (on fathers day) who left his family to sit in the car is just a whiny bitch in life, but imagine taking your father out to dinner on fathers day at your restaurant and your father...
  8. G

    Oven Cleaning

    See if anyone uses dry-ice blasting, IMO that is the way to go
  9. G

    Angry, Crazy Customer

    I’m siding with royster on this one. Do not get into an online pissing match with a customer. It was the servers fault, she screwed up big. (Twice on that table and screwed another table in the process) Throw her under the bus, apologize profusely, and make it right. End of story.
  10. G

    Type 1 Vent hood

    I’m gonna need to disagree, because my experience is that when that sentence is said by a regulatory agent, they are making up their own rules instead of enforcing the laws as written,
  11. G

    Business Interruption Insurance............

    Catering; We have a 3 page contract that spells out the responsibilities of both parties, it is not a lopsided contract that favors only 1 party, luckily our clients understood the issues and mediation is not required. As for loss of stock, I considered bringing in my mobile catering gear to the...
  12. G

    Help should we start serving SPAGHETTI

    Beer sales; I refused to sell beer for my first 3 years, then I added bottled beer. now I have bottled & tap beer. It is an almost zero labor product with a good cost ratio. It added to our bottom line nicely with very little hassle
  13. G

    Business Interruption Insurance............

    @bodegahwy Exactly! Blown Transformers are covered, as are a litany of other things , but if it is “Downed Lines” it is excluded. There was some serious dumbassery from my agent on this one, I cannot go into depth due to the pending litigation against her for this, I will be made whole one way...
  14. G

    Help should we start serving SPAGHETTI

    If money is not coming in during evenings, Dump them and be happy with a good daytime crowd. Stay open only during your money making hours, then he won’t watch the daytime revenues get eaten up by labor and energy costs at night. I dumped lunches because of that scenario, We had a busy lunch...
  15. G

    Business Interruption Insurance............

    Have your agent explain any and all exclusions to coverage. I recently learned that “Downed Power lines” are excluded in my policy unless the lines are down within 1,000 feet of the building. If your insurance agent does not have you properly covered, there is legal remedy through a...
  16. G

    Type 1 Vent hood

    Have them cite the code they are referring to, read it thoroughly, and I can almost guarantee that this person is misapplying it. You cannot have negative pressure with a WFO, Plus a WFO does not create “Grease Laden Vapors” so a hood and fire suppression system is not required. I’ve played...
  17. G

    What would you do?

    Wow, No me having very little tolerance for stupidity like that, I would’ve had a little fun at her expense before she left, I probably would have asked her to prove it was not one of hers, or say something that it looks suspiciously close to her natural color… But thats just me being a dick
  18. G


    I would back off the amount used and see what you get. I could find no noticeable flavor or texture change with it
  19. G

    Pizza Hut Delivery Policy and Insurance

    My guess is that there cutoff area was exceeded, and to avoid an argument with the caller, they used insurance as an excuse to not here “Dude, it’s right there, do me a solid”
  20. G


    I do not know, I metered my amounts by using a 1.5 ounce portion cup and kept the bulk of the product within 4 inches of the center of the pie.