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  1. G

    Addicted to Price Hunting

    We use 2 main distributors for everything, But that is not saying I do not research pricing elsewhere. Decades ago, a very successful restaurateur said “You profit is not decided on what you pay for meat, it’s what you pay for lettuce” Meaning that watch the [pennies and nickels, and the...
  2. G

    Dicing and spicing housemade sausage

    Yes, because it is fully cooked and drained before use, after its time in the smoker, it gets let to relax for a few days in the cooler , then ground through a meat grinder, then baked. drained, cooled and packaged in 2-pound packages and frozen until use. It is always the uppermost topping on a...
  3. G


    We use Hormel Pepperoni, and whole-Milk Mozz. And a little something we call “Oil-Dri” the brand name is Krisp-It, but medium size Panko breading is a wonderful substitute We did not have an oiling problem, more of a veggie watering out problem, but the stuff works both way
  4. G

    Employee Phones

    Here’s one for you with employee phones. I had a cashier unplug my external hard drive (the one I use it to back up my system) to charge her friggen phone, I was not aware of this, until I had my POS server crash 5 minutes after opening a few days ago, and learned I had no back-up of anything...
  5. G


    We went to a “No Tipping Environment” while implementing a “Fair & Equitable Wage Program” Basically the crew gets a split on a 15% service charge divided by their hours worked. It stopped the butthurt of severs making more than the kitchen, and got real teamwork happening. I have been watching...
  6. G

    Dicing and spicing housemade sausage

    Our retail bacon that we slice and sell by the pound is belly, I really like the Canadian pork bellies because they are pre trimmed and fit perfectly in my meat lugs for curing, they are all darn near to 12.5 pounds each, with thickness being even too. Our “Pizza Bacon” is made from picnic...
  7. G


    What will you be slicing the most of? We only use our slicer for Canadian Bacon & tomatoes, If you purchase a slicer, may I suggest getting a 12" Hobart, I have used Berkel in the past and I find them to be very poorly designed and very difficult to clean properly Shrooms are done by hand here...
  8. G

    We did a discounted pizza experiment on friday, pleased with results

    Back in early 2011 (within our first year operating as a restaurant from catering) we did a “Half-Off dining” promo with a local TV station, the buyers got $50.00 in gift card for $25.00, the TV station kept all monies to pay for news-time advertising , and to post the offer on their webpage...
  9. G

    Dicing and spicing housemade sausage

    Even better than cushion meat (lack of fat in it, and that huge chunk of cartilage that needs to be removed before grinding) We use boneless pork picnic trim, we do not cube it, we simply cut it in strips that fit through the neck of the grinder. We do 60 pounds at a crack and from unboxing it...
  10. G

    We did a discounted pizza experiment on friday, pleased with results

    What we have for local competition (besides the big D) is either using frozen pre-made sysco crusts, or a paper-thin, sheeted, very lightly topped pizza, we are not overrun by the big chains in this area. so that gives us some freedom in pricing. In no way are we gouging because we are using...
  11. G

    Lunch Special run amok

    Your boss decided to compete in “The race to the bottom” Run the numbers, see what percentage of your customers are the bottom-feeders and how much the revenue will be hurt without them. If I was in this situation, First I would consider raising those prices so they are not in the loss column...
  12. G

    We did a discounted pizza experiment on friday, pleased with results

    I am not one of those guys who tries to compete in the race to the bottom with cheap pizza chains, or blowing out coupons, But… Friday the 13th, we offered a large (16") hand tossed 2 topping pizza for $13.00 (excluding Tax, Title, Licensing, Dealer setup & freight) This was only advertised on...
  13. G

    Cream cheese and lox pizza

    We offer cream cheese as an available topping, and it is popular, now If I were to do a pizza like you suggested, I’d add the lox after it is baked, I guess a pizza like that would be successful or a flop depending on your client base, Chet & Erma of Chet & Ermas dirt farm may not be big on it...
  14. G

    Costco style chicken bake

    I had to look up what that product is, and what I am seeing is a stromboli with marinated chicken in it. Am I correct? Do you currently offer any chicken at all? As I mentioned in another thread, we use boneless/skinless chicken thigh meat for our pulled chicken for dinners & sandwiches, and a...
  15. G

    Lets discuss pepperoni and mushrooms

    Unless you add green & black olives to it, that’s my go-to salt bomb pizza at the end of a particularly hot day where we sweat a few pounds of body weight off in an evening
  16. G

    Why is no one talking about the price of cheese?

    $2.46/LB Grande Whole-Milk Diced, Ouch, but not, Oddly enough cheese is one of my less expensive toppings, the continuing volatility of the beef market is a thorn in my side right now. last years usage well exceeded 20 tons
  17. G

    Pizza Hut

    LMAO, that’s about how it works in many cases
  18. G

    Lets discuss pepperoni and mushrooms

    Good Guess, but it was actually DeMarini’s on Wentworth & Potter, (up the hill from the coast guard station) it was also known as Mama DeMarinis for the last decade or so. The only court case I know of that was about Italian Sausage and who had the original recipe. The Caradaro Club also used...
  19. G

    over run by drugged employees in colorado ,,,,,,

    I am thrilled that everything is working our for you, I have tried bringing a few developmentally disabled individuals into our operation, they even had job coaches with them for 3-4 weeks, it just did not work out. We had some situations take place where it could have been very easy that...
  20. G

    Improve my Cheese

    What was the complaint? was it flavor, texture, mouth-feel, stringy, not stringy enough, salty, not salty enough, stinky, not stinky enough? We do Grande’s whole-milk mozz with heavy sprinkle of their Romano on top for a little stank and some bite.