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  1. B

    Salaried store manager hours?

    Started with Salary for GM 20 years ago. Dropped it after two years. Never looked back. Hourly with OT + Bonus. Fair to everyone and as the Pirate pointed out above, nobody gets peeved. I only ever had one GM that was really padding hours and that was not hard to spot. Our bonus was calculated...
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    Thinking about adding seasonal menu items

    You might find something interesting here:
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    Unfortunately funny but true

    Cell phone box. Put your phone in the cell phone box in the office. You can check it on your break and an hour or so before closing. Make exceptions for people with some kind of good reason.
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    online ordering payment

    We used Prism by Microworks and did it both ways. The customer could add it online when they ordered or they could write it in at the door. (or they could tip cash and many do)
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    Forecasting Sales for Dummies -A Question...

    I had a spreadsheet that aligned the current year, previous year and the year before that by day of the week rather than date. So for today, Monday Sept 17 the columns would be aligned so that Monday Sept 18, 2017 and Monday Sept 19, 2016 were visible to the right. I would start with what we did...
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    You get what you pay for. Lakewood is a nothing special part of Denver. If you want to experience Denver, Lodo is where it is at. Just bite the bullet and have a good time. Then you can just walk around and there are lots of interesting shops and places to eat. I second Daddio on visiting Wholly...
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    3 years and burnt out!

    Exactly. If you are making money you can probably find a buyer. If you are not making money think liquidation. Speaking for myself, I will not take a listing for an unprofitable business. It is just not worth doing. They tend not to sell and they are more work! Find a business broker (NOT a...
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    Preparing to sell store

    Hire a business broker (NOT a realtor!). Find one that has several other active listings and ask to speak with a previous seller about how it went. Ask how they qualify buyers. You do not want one of the brokers that will send your info to anyone who signs an NDA. Be prepared to provide the...
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    Preparing to sell store

    Assuming that you have typical profitability for a store doing that volume you should have a very salable offering. Things to think about: Build confidence in your potential buyer. Confidence that they can run the business successfully. Good systems in place. Key people sticking around...
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    Credit Card Fees offset by Customer

    If you want to get the money back raise your price of pizza about 30 cents. That should more than cover it. Far less chance of annoying a customer.
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    Small Town Life dealing with PJ's

    Our deal for churches etc for a one time event, especially if it was having to do with youth was that we would donate the first 10 pizzas and do the rest 50% off. We would do that 2-3 times per year each for organizations like that. Then we made sure to get photos of the kids digging into pizza...
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    Credit Card Fees offset by Customer

    This all varies by state. Before you do anything find out what is allowed in your state. In Colorado it is not legal.
  13. B

    Limitations on giving time off?

    We usually had three schedules on the board. (this week plus the next two). I don’t get why that would create any additional issue if someone were fired or quit. Firing was pretty rare. I doubt that we fired 10 people in 20 years.
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    POS Search - Delivery, ETAs, & Loyalty

    Prism/Microworks. After 19 years with them I would not even shop around if I were starting over from scratch, I would just call them up and place the order. They are that good.
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    A to Z, Soup to Nuts, The Whole Enchilada, When all is said and done.

    No surprise that I am a fan of Microworks and Prism. I have written before about it so I will not cover old ground. What is new is selling my business and the way they managed the transition to the new owner. As I expected it was seamless. We closed at the end of the day Tuesday, ran the CC...
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    Theft by staff using "pizza box" button on POS ?

    Do you have security cameras that record?
  17. B

    The Fat Lady Sings or What a Long Strange Trip it has Been

    You can find it on the Rockiesbroker link in my Sig. Please do call or stop if you are wandering in this part of the world! But not if oven is broken, the cars are parked on the sidewalk, employees came to work in sandals, new driver did not show up, computer isn’t working, assistant manager is...
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    start up cash

    This should be easy in an established business. Create a weekly cash flow model for the last couple of years using the actual numbers from the business. Assume some reasonable amount for starting cash. Each week is one column on the spreadsheet. Sales, taxes and expenses are the rows. Enter the...
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    Closing on Sundays

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    Closing on Sundays

    Yup. sorry.