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  1. B

    Issues with Landlord

    Not an encouraging way to begin a long relationship. I suggest that if he offers you a realistic buy-out that you take it.
  2. B

    Theft by staff using "pizza box" button on POS ?

    No. Waste of time. We do it from time to time with cheese to address portion control but counting boxes? No way. Your focus should be: Why your employees are stealing. What you are going to do about the ones you catch. Address those two things and your problems will be much less. Refining...
  3. B

    the USDA, America has 1.385 billion pounds of cheese

    They can hold a long time but not forever. Record inventory levels will lead to continued price drops. I would not be surprised to see the block price back below $1.30 before long.
  4. B

    Paychex, ADP or Accountant?

    Been with ADP for probably 17-18 years. Very smooth and easy to use. Costs us about $2,000 per year. Checked out their work comp once a few years ago when a sales rep called. It was more expensive so we did not do it.
  5. B

    Theft by staff using "pizza box" button on POS ?

    Fire everyone involved.
  6. B

    Atosa & Migali Refrigeration

    We have a True double door freezer that we have had for 19 years. One compressor replaced quite some time ago under warranty. We also have a True 93" make line that has given us no problems.
  7. B

    Issues with Landlord

    Haha! I suppose that it wasn’t a plumber that installed it? Not. Here is the Illinois building code regarding grease traps and interceptors: (Note the title which includes “Illinois Plumbing Code”) (I can’t get the link to work. Just...
  8. B

    Issues with Landlord

    Oh yes… BTW, you are correct. Zero doubt that the grease trap is part of the plumbing. Absurd to claim it is not. Your attorney can help straighten this out. Call him or her.
  9. B

    Issues with Landlord

    Contact your attorney. Some things that occur to me: A. If the problem is not INSIDE your leased premises it is not your problem. Unless your lease is very unusual, your responsibility ends where the service penetrates the wall. B. If the property was not delivered in condition where it would...
  10. B

    the USDA, America has 1.385 billion pounds of cheese

    Ha… they can’t hold it off the market to support prices forever.
  11. B

    new mixer advice

    Awesome. I am sure your expertise will be welcome. Questions about the kinds of products you make come up a lot.
  12. B

    new mixer advice

    Erika (not your actual name I am sure but…) Welcome to the Think Tank. Perhaps cutting and pasting the same info several times on old threads is not the best way to introduce yourself. We have a number of vendors who participate here and are valued community members. Chime in with your...
  13. B

    Sign Shaking - What is everyone's thoughts?

    Tacky and low-end.
  14. B

    Raw pre-sheeted dough

    In the end they don’t make any money doing it. By the time they pay for ingredients and labor they can’t make a profit unless they are selling it to you for quite a bit more than products like Rich’s frozen doughballs. We made dough for another shop and charged $1.85 per doughball to do it...
  15. B

    Best Breaded Chicken option for my pizza shop?

    I suggest you make it your purveyors problem. Tell them what you are trying to achieve and that if they want one of the products they handle considered to get samples to you for testing. (These should be no charge) Get a few samples and cook them up and choose.
  16. B

    for delivery - 10 dollars minimum for cash, 15 for credit. problem?

    Having a delivery minimum makes total sense. On the other hand, for us, it just does not come up that much so I wonder if we risk alienating a good customer who just wants a calzone some night. One thing I am sure of is that I can not rely on employees to govern the decision as to when...
  17. B

    am i the only one who can not find help these days??

    What are you using?
  18. B

    am i the only one who can not find help these days??

    Yup. It is only you. haha not. We have had some luck with box toppers. We print a help wanted flyer (3 per 8.5X11 page cut in 3) and send them out on all the boxes. We have also had a lot of luck with targeted, promoted FB help wanted posts. I use the age feature to target the post to the age...
  19. B

    for delivery - 10 dollars minimum for cash, 15 for credit. problem?

    Assuming 3% credit card costs overall the difference between the credit card fee on $15 and the fee on $10 is 15 cents. If the order is worth taking for cash it is worth taking for credit. I can see why one would want a delivery minimum. (We have one too) but I do not see the point in...