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  1. B

    Uber Eats, Grub Hub, Postmates, Amazon

    Why would you do that? Assuming an industry normal average ticket you are getting what? 10 orders a week? Not even two orders per night. Don’t you think that you could pick up a couple of orders per day some other way? Especially if you invest the $3500 per year you are spending in this? Why...
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    Uber Eats, Grub Hub, Postmates, Amazon

    We had a local outfit that tried to get started in our town. Another restaurant owner I know started up with them. I had a long talk with him about why they would not make it based on the cost per delivery to break even vs what they were planning to charge. They made it less than a year.
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    Uber Eats, Grub Hub, Postmates, Amazon

    These companies are nothing but vampires. The rationale for a sit-down to go with them is that they produce incremental sales. If they were taking 5% for order referrals that would be one thing, but 20-30% is just sucking the blood right out of you. If you are a delco and already set up to...
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    I switched to Adwords as my largest marketing investment about 18 months ago. Sales up, marketing costs down. Adwords has a learning curve to be sure. It is so much more powerful than any of us need in terms of options etc. You can pay someone to do it for you but in the end that will just...
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    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    He is using a non-standard term and we are just guessing what he is referring to and whether it is per month or annually. That means there is not enough information to draw any conclusions regarding value based on cash flow. He states that he does 700K in sales and that he listed this business...
  6. B

    Product "arrangement" inside a Walk-In Cooler?

    We have a large walk-in. On the left first shelf unit sauce on lower level in 5 gal buckets, prepped cheese in trays on the second shelf, prepped salads, yeast, chopped garlic, pesto and other odds and ends above that. Second shelf unit is cases of cheese on lower and middle shelves, various...
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    Mozzarella Price Question

    I don’t often see posts where people blend Grande with other cheeses. You pay such a premium for that brand that the folks who have drunk the koolaid don’t want to dilute it. If you want to save a bunch of money have a look at some other choices for your blend. If you are mixing it you are not...
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    Ground Beef?

    We use a beef meatball and break it up. Easy. Portion control is built in.
  9. B

    how to quaterback deliveries if i dont know area?

    Mike is right. Take one driving shift a week for a month and you will have it down.
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    Higher Temperature Gas Deck Ovens

    Pretty much any oven out there will give you a 7 minute bake. That is a different animal from the 4-5 minutes mentioned.
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    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    PP is dead right on this issue and if anything understates it. Potential sales, not yet achieved are NOT part of the valuation model. If the seller wants value for that potential they should take the restaurant off the market, start staying open later and put it back up when they can include...
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    Dear PMQ Reader - Give us a quote

    Vegan? Who cares. Even less demand for that than for gluten free and GF is a marginal business opportunity.
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    Dear PMQ Reader - Give us a quote

    Get them into our contact system so we can reach out directly to them. Whether that is getting them to like our FB page or better yet to order online so we track their activity and can communicate directly with them, being able to connect is key to keeping them coming back. Say Thank You!
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    Dear PMQ Reader - Give us a quote

    Google Adwords. Nothing else comes close.
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    Dear PMQ Reader - Give us a quote

    The biggest threat to local pizzerias is internal. I know that is not what they want to hear… the inclination is to look outside for threats. The external is predictable and noisy. If the indy/local pizzeria fails to give the customer a reason to order from them (and that reason is NOT price!)...
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    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    To be kind I will call this highly improbable. I could see the two of them working full time and taking 50K out (plus eating a ton of pizza) but that is all. I would start by asking for his 2017 federal tax return. Look at profit, look at any W2 wages he or his wife took. Add back anything like...
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    POS System - Touch Dynamic?

    As important as this is today I would strongly suggest that you DO NOT go with third party ordering. Step up and get a system with a fully integrated online system. The fees you save will quickly pay the difference.
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    The most asked question on here!?

    I am going to disagree with Tom on the size thing. You are not talking about high volume in either scenario and I find batches based on 50lbs of flour unwieldy and, in fact, many employees will not be able to handle the 80lb wad of dough that results. With a 25lb mix you end up with a roughly...
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    new mixer advice

    Hobart has a great reputation for lasting a long time. Have you looked for another used one? From the sounds of it, I would not sink more money in the one you have. Also, have a look at VCM machines. They can be a great alternative. We use a Stefan VCM for dough and for dicing cheese.
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    Help with a decision

    Good grief what a blast from the past. These must have been some of my earliest posts. Roy, there is not really enough info in your question to give you really detailed help. I am assuming that you already have a sit-down place and do not currently do delivery from your question. If that is the...