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  1. B

    How would you handle this employee infraction?

    So… Has it happened since? I would go with Daddio’s suggestion. Every order gets rung up. Enter the charge sale at 50% off. If it happens again, fire her.
  2. B

    Bagging cold sauces-seperate or with hot food?

    “Indy Pepper” and “Indy Parm” !! Kind of miss out on the name recognition and phone number though…
  3. B

    Bagging cold sauces-seperate or with hot food?

    Pirate, Where do you get them printed for you?
  4. B

    How do you deal with the problem of drivers leaving food behind when they take a delivery?

    Your focus is in the wrong place. The priority is how do you get the right food, fresh and hot to the customer that ordered it a promptly as possible? Also, do you need to do anything for the customer for the inconvenience? After that, I agree with some of the other comments. Shit happens. Move...
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    No Crust Pizza?

    Thanks for reminding me of that thread Paul. The part of that discussion that stuck with me was the part about guaranteeing your competitor’s product which I loved.
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    No Crust Pizza?

    I had a request the other day for a “no crust” pizza. I guess the idea is that you build the pie on something like parchment… sauce, toppings, cheese etc rather than on dough. Is this a thing? Do any of you do it? How do you do it? Do you sell many? I guess I can see the appeal for someone...
  7. B

    Higher Temperature Gas Deck Ovens

    Just curious… why the emphasis on such a fast bake time? Very thin crust?
  8. B

    Who uses steak?

    That is exactly the same thing that we used. Not nearly as much loss as with sausage. The pieces were small enough that one pass through the oven cooked them nicely. Yes, we charged it as a 3X topping like we do with elk or wild boar or salmon. There are less expensive options but being able...
  9. B

    Who uses steak?

    We used Certified Angus tenderloin as a pizza topping. Not as crazy expensive as you might think if you buy random size trim pieces. Essentially stew meat but from a premium cut. We cooked it off in our oven and then used a mushroom slicer to cut it into something we could work with as a...
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    Social Media Companies

    It just does not take that much time to do yourself. If you are short of time you will save a lot of money by paying an employee for another two hours per week to make pizza to free you up to handle your social media. (2 hours a week is plenty)
  11. B

    Bagging cold sauces-seperate or with hot food?

    Drivers are responsible for bagging so the sauces do not wait in the hot bag under the warmer. Then they tend to with the paper plates, napkins, parm and pepper in the side bag.
  12. B

    How Many Food Vendors Do You Use?

    For 19 years the service from our two main vendors has been indistinguishable. Both reps would stop in weekly, both found new products, both would take orders to 3PM and deliver the next day. Times are changing. NOBODY around does what you describe. Both vendors went from three reps down to two...
  13. B

    Deck oven guys....

    It’s been a long time since I worked on a deck oven, but we started with screens and took them off the screens to finish. I needed to be in there fooling around rotating and moving pies anyway so I never thought of the screen thing as a PITA.
  14. B

    Best way to increase online orders

    Sounds like a bargain. We also use Mailchimp. I like it.
  15. B

    Labor costs over 50%

    We made a similar decision with respect to late night years ago. I know there is business to be had and a couple of other places in town stay open late but we close at 9PM every night. Back in those days, before we took CC, we took a lot of checks. When we started closing earlier our bad checks...
  16. B

    Best way to increase online orders

    I am using the Prism system. If I use a “promo code” rather than a coupon I can put pretty much any kind of limit on it. One time use (or any other number of uses) New online customer only, minimum number of orders placed (I use for special offers to our most regular customers from time to time).
  17. B

    Best way to increase online orders

    Good thought. It has been a while since I pushed on this. For us, online is more of a local thing than a tourist thing because tourists struggle with the addresses of the places they are staying. I think the goal should be to get more customers shifted over to use the system. I believe that is...
  18. B

    How Many Food Vendors Do You Use?

    We have a spreadsheet with the 40-50 things we buy all the time. We update that every month or so as tguag says. Most things we end up buying from the same company all the time but produce and cheese do move around a fair amount. I guess it might take a half hour once a month to check a bunch of...
  19. B

    How Many Food Vendors Do You Use?

    If you are not doing serious volume (1M+ in purchases) having two is crucial. Even when they are not gouging you, the different suppliers will have better prices on different things from time to time. I have seen the price of cheese vary by as much as 25 cents a pound in the same week. That’s...
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    Percentage of online orders

    We were at 19% for the full year 2017. When the tourists are gone we are about 30%. the visitors struggle with it since they don’t know their address etc.