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  1. B

    How would you handle this employee infraction?

    After hearing more of the story I come back to whether you have ever talked about it with the crew and the fact that it did not cost you a lot of money. In the end it is not her decision to make but it is on your shoulders to create clarity in what responsibilities and range of decision making...
  2. B

    How would you handle this employee infraction?

    Have you ever covered the topic with staff? Were there stated consequences? How much business do you think you missed? I would dock that manager $100 from the next bonus.
  3. B

    Economics of the Slice Model

    There is no possible way to answer this as asked. What kind of location is it? Put this on a dirt road in the country and you can expect to sell zero slices. Put it on fisherman’s wharf in San Francisco and you might sell 500 per hour. Then, there is capacity? How big is the place? How much can...
  4. B

    Just venting

    Ha!.. The hotels and condos here all used to have landlines. Customers did not want to use the cell phone because they were “roaming” or had a limited number of minutes. The result was that when they ordered from the land line our caller ID picked up the address if anyone had ever ordered from...
  5. B

    Where are YOU personally getting your health insurance?

    Depending on your needs and ability to cover a large expense if you must, there are now non-compliant plans that are a lot cheaper. We are in the midst of enrollment for a plan that will cost us $500 per month (I am 57 and my wife is 60). Huge deductible ($15,000) and co-pay if we have medical...
  6. B

    Drink prices-

    When I was a level 5 trainee I worked in six different stores covering manager days off and vacations. A couple of them did fountain but most did glass quart bottles. Just Coke like you said in both.
  7. B

    Why, after 19 years with Microworks Prism I would do it all over again!

    We opened almost 19 years ago with Microworks POS. It was a DOS system (yes, a long time ago!) We have been with them ever since. Our experience this past weekend is why I would do it with them all over again if I were starting from scratch. Our current system is a mix of six machines purchased...
  8. B

    Where are YOU personally getting your health insurance?

    No, I don’t think that is accurate. He cut out 90% of the marketing to let people know what is available and shortened the enrollment period: In the most recent tax bill they cut the mandate/penalties for being uninsured...
  9. B

    Drink prices-

    No, the overtime for trainees.
  10. B

    Where are YOU personally getting your health insurance?

    Under the ACA most of your employees qualify for the ACA subsidy… A married couple can make up to about $64,000 and get the subsidy. They should be covered now. The problem is for people that make too much to qualify for the subsidy but can not afford to pay for the absurd premiums.
  11. B


    Happy Holidays to all! Dumping snow finally here. Volume doubled in the past week and will double again next week! Here we go!
  12. B

    Drink prices-

    Ha! You started about the time I left. I started in 1978 and last worked there in '81 or '82. I was there for the 200th store and the Manager Trainee class action suit. Raw sausage. Three part stickers. Glass bottles of coke. Drivers hitting 100 delis a night (campus store).
  13. B

    Impact of new businesses & competition

    Search for the long post I did a couple of years ago on pizza store valuation. Beyond that, hire someone to advise you.
  14. B

    Where are YOU personally getting your health insurance?

    Compound rates of growth are catching us all. In actual fact the % increase of insurance costs has not been faster during the ACA years than it was before but those %s are being applied to bigger numbers. Back to back 25% increases from a $200 premium would take you to $312. +$112 per month...
  15. B

    Impact of new businesses & competition

    It very likely does and if the costs to be open are high enough they might be better off being closed.
  16. B

    Where are YOU personally getting your health insurance?

    We looked at getting coverage for our two kids added in. They are 21 and 24 so we could include them if we wanted to… but if our combined income (kids included) went over about 90K we would have to pay $45,000 for the year. No way we can justify that! URNUTS, an ACA compliant plan is one that...
  17. B

    Drink prices-

    Once you have a decent selection, people that are thirsty will order something from the assortment you have. I don’t see them going elsewhere because they don’t like the drink prices. Double your cost. Round up to the next rational price point. If the item doesn’t sell for that price drop it...
  18. B

    Where are YOU personally getting your health insurance?

    I am finding some interesting options out there and learning things. Some may be particular to Colorado. Not really sure how consistent all this is from state to state but maybe worth looking into: If you do not qualify for an ACA subsidy but your quoted rates for ACA compliant insurance are...
  19. B

    Impact of new businesses & competition

    Clearly 4 months is better than 2. I would also want to look at three or four years not just two. You can not flatly assume that whatever change you happen to see in that period can be ascribed to the factor you are paying attention to. I would want to look at weather (you stated this is a foot...
  20. B

    Impact of new businesses & competition

    There are two ways to approach that issue. Be careful you don’t do both at the same time. There is considerable discussion in the business valuation world about whether to use trailing or forward earnings for a market data based valuation. Here is what makes sense to me: The market data is...