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  1. M

    How to get Facebook "likes" for your fan page

    Pizza Of The Month - Thanks for sharing your results with us here. This is certainly something I need to do more with. I don’t completely understand all of the numbers either, but the one that cannot be denied is the increase in online sales! I am about to launch a new online ordering system...
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    Time to sell - how to prepare

    I don’t think that is an accurate statement. Sale price of a business is based on profit (cash flow), not sales. A store with 4-500/month rent (yes, we have them where I am at - and probably even more likely in a rural area), small footprint, open 4-9/4-10, independent - no royalties, low...
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    When to use EDDM

    We are a new shop and I am looking to take my first forray into EDDM in September. Our primary advertising vehicle so far has been VALPAK which has proven to be very effective. The VALPAK’s typically hit the first week of the month and we are getting huge boosts from it, anywhere from 20-50%...
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    Not Delivering...

    I asked a similar question a few weeks back as I just opened a new store in March and we are only doing about 10-15% delivery right now. There are a number of reasons I can think to rationalize why this might be…it is summer in Michigan (after an especially hard winter), most of our advertising...
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    Need some advice - huge pizza order

    Which Middlby Marshall’s do you have? Big difference in terms of capacity between 200’s, 360’s, 570’s, etc.? Completely brainstorming here so take what makes sense for you…I think a number of posters have already pointed out that the actual slice count sold may be less than the 15K (1 slice per...
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    Carry Out Versus Delivery Percentage?

    Yes, Paul you are correct. We did not do delivery for the first 5-6 weeks, we were very clear however (on our phone message, conversations with customers, etc.) that we would be doing delivery within the first 60 days. I am sure there is a slight curve to overcome from that. And it is May\early...
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    Carry Out Versus Delivery Percentage?

    Thanks everyone for your replies. I think your input is consistent with what I am seeing and feeling in that there has been a bit of a shift in the mix. I have received some similar feedback from many Dominos franchisees that I know as well.
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    Carry Out Versus Delivery Percentage?

    bodegahwy - Any change in the past few years or has this remained fairly constant?
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    Carry Out Versus Delivery Percentage?

    I recently openend (March 15th) a delco unit and sales or pretty solid considering that we have done an extremely soft opening. However, one thing that still surprises me is that since we started our delivery service the number of customers using it has been very slim. I last owned a pizza...
  10. M

    Make your own mozz or buy it??

    Thanks for the information Flames! Now, where could I fit a cow into my 1000 square feet…probably need to start a different thread for that question!
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    Make your own mozz or buy it??

    Jamie, you say you should get a “high yield”. What is the average yield that you get from a gallon of milk? Flames, what yield and milk price are you assuming when determining your pricing? I am also interested in learning how you shred or prepare it for topping pizzas? Any other input on...
  12. M

    Grande Cheese Pricing

    @Rockstar - Did I just read (in another recent post) that you are using 11 Ounces on a 14"? Good lord, no wonder you hate Grande! I will take my 7.5 Ounces of Grande over 11 Ounces of…well, almost anything! Please take that as some gentle ribbing, if it works for you then by all means and I...
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    Another Facebook/Google+ thread
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    Problems with dough

    Hey Piper! Just curious why you would aim for different finished temperatures? I assume this based on quickly you anticipate needing to use the dough? Thanks to everyone for discussing this topic as I am having some similar issues.
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    Business Insurance

    I am looking for someone who can handle Business Owners Policy and Owned & Non-Owned Auto in Michigan. Anyone have suggestions?
  16. M

    Store Visits?

    Fantastic! I will follow up with you near end of the month once I know more specifically what my itinerary looks like and we can work out the details. I appreciate it!
  17. M

    shops in the snow belt...

    As a blanket rule while running Dominos stores for ten years, I always drew the line based on the “ice” on the road. Snow (even in large quantities) really shouldn’t be a big deal, and cold, well…put on another layer! I think in ten years and 15 stores, I only completely stopped delivery on one...
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    Store Visits?

    Hello All, I will be traveling via automobile from Michigan to Las Vegas and then on to San Francisco in mid-February. I believe I will be leaving on or around February 11th, jut after the NAPICS show. I would love to do some store tours along the way. Are there any operators who are along or...
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    Counterfeit Bills?

    Fair point, but no they did not absorb any of the losses. They named a number of reasons, one of which was the counterfeit issue. They also defended the policy by saying it took a teller time to verify the count on the deposit. Although, I am sure they have and use a machine for that. I have to...
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    Counterfeit Bills?

    Thanks everyone. I think this gives me enough to go on a starting point. It has been a few years since I have operated a shop and the amount of vigilance being practiced by retail businesses sure has increased greatly since then. My original bank for my business wanted to charge me a percentage...