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  1. M

    Counterfeit Bills?

    Thanks Stebby. I will make a note of that! Have you have many problems with counterfeit bills? I am getting ready to open a new store and I am trying to assess whether this is something I need to worry about?
  2. M

    Counterfeit Bills?

    Has accepting counterfeit bills been an issue for you? Do you have ongoing issues with counterfeit bills or an isolated incident here and there? If it has been an issue what steps have been successful in preventing the acceptance of counterfeit money?
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    Grande Cheese Pricing

    Patrick & Pizzanow, These are both very helpful responses and great information! Thank you! Andrew
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    Purchasing Door Slips

    Thanks! I will check them out. In case this helps anyone else, I also located this company: I have not done business with them yet, so this is not a recommendation just FYI.
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    Grande Cheese Pricing

    Yes, that is a bigger debate and for that matter a different debate.
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    Grande Cheese Pricing

    I am getting ready to open a new delco in Metro Detroit area. I am looking to use Grande Whole Milk and Grande Part Skim in a 50/50 blend but will be shredding myself. I am currently working with GFS and their latest quote for me is around $2.65 per pound. My questions has three part’s: 1.)...
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    Purchasing Door Slips

    Anyone have any recommendation on where I can purchase the “old-fashioned” door slips for order taking and labeling on boxes? I would like to keep a case on hand as a backup to my POS system so this is likely just a one time or infrequent purchase. I am in the Metro Detroit area.
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    Reversing direction on conveyor ovens

    I had to reverse the direction on my Middleby Marshall PS 536. We found the wires and made the switch and everything appears to be good. I know you are also supposed to switch the belt around, but I do not really know why or what the reason for this is. It looks like some of the belt can caught...
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    Looking for feedback on going from a deck oven to conveyor

    Re: Looking for feedback on going from a deck oven to convey I agree with Deaconvolker’s comment about the Hearth Bake Discs from Lloyd. They will help get the deck style bake you desire. I have been very pleased with the affect they have had on my product. Also, work with Tom Lehman and...
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    Reach-in coolers and freezers... what style to get?

    Nick pretty much summed up the point I was going to add to the conversation. The glass sliding door units are classified as a merchandiser and are officially only rated for pre-packaged products, most typically Coke\Pepsi\Beverage products, etc. I bought one and included it as part of my plan to...
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    Public restroom required for DELCO with no seating?

    Yes, I too ran into this exact same situation, building out a delco. We had an existing restroom in the back of the store when I leased my space. I planned to blow out the walls and make it ADA compliant, but when I went to review the plans with the city I was told I had to have a ADA compliant...
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    Middlby MarshallPS536 Finger Arrangements

    @Geroge - I called MM and they sent a diagram showing the default configuration which actually had four finger across the bottom and two on top - and of course two spacers on top. The pattern was (from the uncooked end) was finger, spacer, finger, spacer. This was different than how they were...
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    Middlby MarshallPS536 Finger Arrangements

    Thanks for the input Patriot. Since posting, I realized that I only had three bottom fingers on each oven and four top fingers on each oven. I am not sure what the correct total is, but it would seem to me they would match and there is room for four. I have taken one bottom finger from the...
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    Middlby MarshallPS536 Finger Arrangements

    Hello Everyone, I have a PS536 Electric oven and I want to know if my finger arrangements are appropriate. Does anyone know if this information is published somewhere? In a related question…thank to the trip down memory lane post I read in a much older post where Tom Lehman describes a finger...
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    Weekly/Monthly Chat Sessions?

    I would be interested in taking part in chat sessions. I would probably be able to attend one a month. Perhaps moving the time around would good to accomodate different schedules.
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    That is woderful news Daisy. Please thank your son for his service on my behalf.
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    voip phone system

    Thanks for the input, Patriot. I am actually a software developer/consultant designing my own in house POS so I will have a greater ability to integrate the call answering user interface into my POS system. However, this is not a trivial process so I will for some interim period of time face...
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    voip phone system

    Is anyone using VOIP directly without the VOIP phones? IE Are you answering calls directly on your computer? If so, what has your experience with this been?
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    Hobart 20 QT Mixer

    That is great input. Good question. I need to crunch some numbers to answer that adequetely, however I am certainly building the store to be profitable at lower sales volumes, and then will upgrade equipment as volume grows. I expect to have a soft open and start around 2-4K a week and...
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    Hobart 20 QT Mixer

    Thanks for the input. The manual(s) that I am referring to are A200 not the Legacy ones, so still a little confused. Gun to my head I am certainly trusting the plate not the manual. However, if I cannot trust the HP in the manual I am looking at, then I may not be able to trust the loads that it...