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  1. R

    Time off requests

    In my neck of the woods , it’s always the part time younger crowd. I got so fed up that I tell them to find someone to cover for them. The person covering must be able to perform their job for the evening. Whether it’s driver , oven guy , counter person. At the last resort , they can ask me...
  2. R

    What Time Do You Acutally Leave the Store After Closing?

    We are out the door no later then 15 minutes after close. I have strict rules after dealing with people for 17 years. Last delivery is 20 minutes before closing. last pickup is 10 minutes. The staff moves their butt and cleans the store in 20 minutes . I still wash dishes . Everyone in the...
  3. R

    What would you do?

    This is where a good refund policy should be stated. My policy is “refund or exchange for any pizza . Minimum 3/4 of the pizza returned” It’s hard to prove if the spider was in the box or happened during transport, or happened at their location. I would refund the 1 pizza, unless she wants to...
  4. R

    Managers overtime pay rules change

    I’m guessing the best way around this is move managers over to hourly plus overtime , and keep it inline with their current compensation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. R

    Lunch Special run amok

    You will likely lose customers if you ditch it. Most of these customers are most likely “bottom feeders”. I’m rereading your post and your saying these are “lunch” specials. In my store the lunch specials are ended at 3pm. No questions asked. What works for me is " I have lunch specials , and...
  6. R

    Lets discuss pepperoni and mushrooms

    I’ve used canned mushrooms for 17 years and I remember 1 lady asking if they were canned or fresh. Canned mushrooms are easy. No prep work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. R


    Yikes December , I think I would rather sell your $7.99 + $3.50 then just your $7.99. Your food cost % “should” drop after toppings are added on.
  8. R

    how to encourage people to pay with cash vs credit

    What bodega said. Get over it. Consider it “a cost of doing business” Card usage generally gets higher ticket averages. Also, make sure you are getting the “best deal” on your processing . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. R

    Why is no one talking about the price of cheese?

    Shhh! Don’t wake the sleeping giant Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. R

    What do you pay for delivery insurance?

    I have 1,000,000 liability on auto . Costs me $6000 a year for 2 company cars. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. R

    Sliced tomatoes have some new rules , but need clarifications

    It’s my understanding that anything over 165 degrees would kill it. A call to your local health Dept should get your answer . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. R

    Anyone ever terminate a lease?

    My neighbor 4 doors down left because of a bad leak from the roof. There was mold everywhere. He had a mold specialist come in and they said the place was inhabitable. Document everything, all calls to them for repair , also send certified letters, this way there is proof they never rectified...
  13. R

    Anyone ever terminate a lease?

    Check your lease and see if there is anything about pest control in there. I had a bad pest problem years ago and It took me about 30 days to get rid of it . Is it confined to your store or the whole center? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. R

    I sold one of my stores to a "friend"

    Let us know how it pans out. Best of luck with it.
  15. R

    Minimum wage increase in NY

    This is a big problem. I’m wondering how lower volume stores & areas with higher wages will survive as I think they will get hit the hardest.
  16. R

    I sold one of my stores to a "friend"

    It looks like you have to make some sort of decision here. evict . And suffer the lease consequences and other debts that will be attached to you Or let it go and let him fail eventually . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. R

    I sold one of my stores to a "friend"

    Maybe go in there and talk man to man and ask him for the keys since you have the lease in your name. I’m sure he is just draining whatever he can out of the store or maybe he just wants to walk away maybe. Are the utilities in your name? If so, you can shut them when you want. Yes, and please...
  18. R

    Minimum wage increase in NY

    It looks like it will affect me as they are increasing it every year. I will have to raise prices everytime the minimum wage goes up. I don’t believe that this action will create jobs, it will eliminate them. As long as people are willing to pay more money for your product , things will be ok...
  19. R

    I sold one of my stores to a "friend"

    If you have nothing signed , then technically you own the store. God knows what kind of debt he got himself or you in now. Can you get in there and throw him out , and get the staff to run the store while you figure things out? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. R

    Online Ordering

    10%? Yikes. I thought I was getting hosed. How on earth can you make money with that % cut?