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  1. R

    Paychex, ADP or Accountant?

    Everything prodigy. Commercial auto , general liability , etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. R

    Paychex, ADP or Accountant?

    I’ve been using Adp for the last 15 years. Their platform has gotten really user friendly over the last few years and I will never use anyone else. I even use their insurance services for workman’s comp. saves me time at end of year for the audit. I pay appx $1700 a year and I get full service...
  3. R

    Theft by staff using "pizza box" button on POS ?

    Roy , can you explain this scheme a little more clear? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. R

    Atosa & Migali Refrigeration

    I bought 2 avantco fridges recently. Never again. They gave me a brand new one after the first one failed less then a year. The replacement is giving me problems now. The repair guy said there are problems with avantco , & migAli. He did say that true & continental are good units. Sent from my...
  5. R

    Issues with Landlord

    Still with payment depot. Very happy. I find the credit card processing is the fastest , no downtime with my pos. Payment depot is a middle man for “first data”. I have sales people come in trying to save me money , but they all leave cause they can’t come close to it. My all in processing...
  6. R

    Issues with Landlord

    Prodigy , Let us know how you make out . I cringe when I hear major problems like this for someone who is all in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. R

    Issues with Landlord

    You need to find where the problem is along the lines. Like pp said, it might be city problem. If you got the landlord to guarantee the plumbing , you need to speak to your attorney. If you don’t mind me asking, how much are you into this for? Can you walk? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. R

    Issues with Landlord

    Find out how old the trap is. I just had mine inspected by the county and sweated bullets when they came. I’m told they last 20 years(concrete) They recommended a sewer jet once a year . Grease traps runabout 20 grand. Whoever pumps your trap can most likely point you in the right direction...
  9. R

    Issues with Landlord

    What is the problem with the trap? Is the concrete breaking up/buckling? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. R

    Uber Eats, Grub Hub, Postmates, Amazon

    I have been with Uber for about 6 months. My commission is 35%. Yes, I said 35% . I have a combo only menu which I offer at a higher price to offset the ridiculous commission. I’m only getting about $200 a week but my margins are ok. I dropped grubhub after 30 days after starting with them...
  11. R

    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    Rich , your credit card processing seems high. What’s your overall % for it. Divide monthly cost ($500) into monthly volume Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. R

    Phone Systems Again

    I’ve been on board with pizzacloud for the last 4 months. System has all the bells and whistles I need. Very happy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. R

    how to quaterback deliveries if i dont know area?

    If possible junk that pos system and get one with all the bells and whistles you need. Pizza director with delivery IQ from foodtec solutions does all you need. If your stuck with adelo, get to know the area like the back of your hand and forget the magnet idea. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. R

    Can I hire one of you to answer all my start-up stupid questions?

    Pm me if you would like to chat. I will talk you out of it. [emoji736] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. R

    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    This is major issue. I would be divorced coming home at 3am Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. R

    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    There will be others who will chime in. Bodega has a better formula for valuing this business , but if those sales numbers are true , I would imagine you can put 30-40 grand tops in your pocket and that includes your salary . With that said, his asking price is off the wall. If he’s claiming he...
  17. R

    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    I bought my business 18 years ago with lower sales then the store your looking at. I grabbed it for 25k. It was profiting , but very little . It took 3 years to grow sales to be comfortable. Keep in mind , profit margins for these kind of businesses range from 0% - 20% , depending on owner...
  18. R

    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    My opinion is this is an equipment sale only. There is not enough business to justify a price like this. Remember , you can only pay for existing sales , not potential. (Fools tax) Your forgetting: Electricity Heat/gas Biz insurance Work comp insurance Phone/Internet Advertising Uniforms Credit...
  19. R

    Potential Opportunity - Thoughts Requested

    What do you think a fair asking price is for a business doing roughly $4000 a week? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. R

    Going through the process of buying a pizza parlor! Need motivation or realism

    It’s quite possible that majority of those sales are from catering. Catering sales usually have a lower cogs number. Let’s be honest , we all would love to do $1200 a day in catering sales for a few hours , then Staying open 12-15 hours a day. The question is what is that location worth? It’s...