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  1. R

    Togo Slices Question

    I make 20 inch counter pies and cut them into 8. I have custom 10 inch & 14 inch boxes for slices to take out. I can fit 2 slices into the 10 inch. 3-4 slices in the 14. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. R

    purchasing an existing shop

    I’m sure there are cash wages being paid also. I’ll repeat : Ask for 1 year of payroll records (941s) & state if applicable & 3 months of vendor invoices. If they really want to sell , they will disclose it. If not, they are hiding something. Doing that kind of volume , depending on their menu...
  3. R

    purchasing an existing shop

    4-5 staff per shift? Doing 1.35 million in sales, this is an even bigger red flag. Questions: 1). Is there delivery 2). Dine in / table service 3). What kind of prep are they doing( making own dough , shredding cheese , making own sauce?). And how much prep are they doing? 4). What are fixed...
  4. R

    purchasing an existing shop

    This is a red flag. No pos, no team. It takes a good team to be successful . Also, How much staff do you see there? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. R

    purchasing an existing shop

    Weekly purchase orders , 941 and state quarter docs , sales tax returns. Go there on a Friday and watch the operation. How many employees are working there , watch what comes and goes. If they are lying to the government , most likely they are lying to you. Usually food cost hovers around 30%...
  6. R

    purchasing an existing shop

    You can’t just take their word for unreported cash. The sale should be for whatever is reported on tax returns and 941s, otherwise you are subject to a fools tax. If they want top dollar for a sale , they would have to show documented proof. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. R

    PaPa John's game sales down

    I’m sure most of us are dealing with this as well: I compared to last year : 9/10. + 1% 9/17 - 19% 9/24 +1% 10/1 -10% 10/8 -8% 10/15 -5% 10/22 -17% And this is with a price increase. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. R

    Birth day today

    Happy birthday George! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. R

    On the Market

    Congrats Dave. I hope it all works out for you. Best of luck ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. R

    5 year Gift

    A paid day off or throw her a bonus. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. R

    Sales Mix...

    Pizza/slice : 52% Appetizers: 14% Heros : 13% Entrees & pasta : 12% Salad : 3% Drink: 3% Calzone : 3% Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. R

    Date Usage for Employees

    It’s only active when you are clocked in. If they app is closed, it doesn’t log anything . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. R

    Date Usage for Employees

    Here is an example, if driver stops anywhere else or for a long period of time , I will know. . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. R

    Date Usage for Employees

    Grasso , I have the foodtec system like famous does. This very important feature allows us to become more efficient. I know exactly where my drivers are whenever on the road and helps me make runs for their return. I make it clear if they are going to horse around on the road or make pit stops...
  15. R

    Date Usage for Employees

    No compensation . It’s understood beforehand that it’s required for the job. If they’re not making enough money to pay $5 a month for extra data , then they don’t belong there. These apps don’t drain that much data . Do they want you to pay for their cell phone also? Sent from my iPhone using...
  16. R

    Hello I'm new to the pizza idea

    Ask to see 941s and all tax returns. That will improve you not having to pay a fools tax. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. R

    Point of Success Frustrations..anyone else?

    Point of success in my opinion is a basic pos system that works great , but is limited to the bells and whistles. If you are looking for better stability , more features, better tech support , you will have to buck up and get 1 of the big ones. My pos has regular upgrades and updates. All...
  18. R

    Revention and Hungerrush update**

    Lol. Nate , you don’t need to explain yourself. Reventions software clearly is poor since they couldn’t resolve the issue in a reasonable time. Salesmen will say anything to get the sale. Because you posted your “experience” , they decided to make your life miserable. Cut your losses and do not...
  19. R

    Online order website builders

    I’ll repeat what the others say. Online ordering is here to stay. I would only consider online ordering if it integrated with my pos. With integrated online ordering , the order comes through like any other order. No one to answer the phone or input the order. The other way defeats the purpose...
  20. R

    Revention and Hungerrush update**

    Very scary. I would never consider revention after reading this. Totally unprofessional. Nate , check your audit log. Would love to hear reventions response to this. This guy paid for your system , encountered numerous problems , & vented here. All us owners want is complete uptime and...