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  1. R

    when looking for a location

    Lol. I have (3) 7-11s in my zip code . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. R

    Time for a new prep table

    I bought 2 avantco 1 door reach in fridges. 1 of them didn’t last 1 year and we got a new one from them. I have Marsals supreme pizza prep table. It’s great. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. R

    Anyone do a buy one get one free pizza restaurant?

    I just don’t see this pricing model work anymore with the higher labor costs these days. Bundling is much more ethical Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. R

    Revention - PCI Compliant

    PCI compliance is horse sh*t. You fill out a questionnaire that is an hour long which basically releases the processor from anything. I didn’t even understand what I was doing. I would call revention and buck up for the latest version and slowly replace machines when they crap out on you. I’m...
  5. R

    Method of attaching Customer info to Box

    Pizza pirates. We use your method. Knock knock, my printers don’t go as often as yours. I was thinking of using a label printer one day , but sometimes I need to fumble the boxes to route deliveries better if things are close together. I can’t remember exactly how much the labels were but I...
  6. R

    Online Ordering

    I thought this years ago. I was dead wrong. I have so many customers that will only order online. I remember my first online order. $60 and it was a new customer. She stayed with us for years then moved. With everything online now , your crazy not to have it. If your in rural area with bad...
  7. R

    Online Ordering

    Sit back, gotta be patient. All marketing pieces should have : order online with web address Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. R

    Online Ordering

    I started online ordering in December 2007. It took about 3 months to start getting it going . I have no doubt your olo sales will increase with time, the question is , what is your expense with it? If your at a flat fee per month, sit back and let it fly. If your at a per order fee % , ditch...
  9. R

    3rd Party Online Order Companies

    mathematical errors. order taking process went from 40-60 seconds to 20-30 seconds (more phone calls) I added a 3rd phone line . running a credit card took way longer manually vs pos integrated credit card processing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. R

    3rd Party Online Order Companies

    I can’t imagine not having a pos system. Biggest difference is efficiency & less labor . Things going uncharged , math errors , the list goes on. My sales jumped $1000 overnight after pos install. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. R

    3rd Party Online Order Companies

    Dennis, Do you have a pos? If not, Point of success has a reasonably priced pos system that has integrated olo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. R

    POS Referrals

    Ouch. Sounds like you need integration real bad. The savings of integration will pay for itself quickly . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. R

    Valuation on gross sales Here’s a pizza shop for rent. $125 per sq foot in the city. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. R

    Valuation on gross sales

    Be very careful. I’m outside of New York City. I believe minimum wage currently is $11/hr going to $15/hr by 2018. Also , I believe you are required to pay sick time in NYC. One other thing, the rents are astronomical there. I hear some places pay $20,000 a month! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. R

    Interchange Plus?

    You know what you have to do. Dump them . If you do some serious volume, you can get the best rates in the industry. I complained that I did a lot of swipes under $10, so they gave me 5 cents a swipe. Make sure they disclose all fees (pci compliance, annual , etc) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. R

    Interchange Plus?

    Visa and MasterCard publish their interchange rates. When I started seeing a rate of 1.69% interchange go way over 2% that was enough for me. I take my total fees per month and divide them by the monthly volume. If your paying over 3% , your getting ripped off. My current % ranges from...
  17. R

    Interchange Plus?

    I’m getting interchange plus 5 cents a swipe currently. Processors make their money on batch fees, statement fees , pci compliance fees, annual fees, etc… You have to check your statements from time to time. My last processor started padding the interchange fee on me so I fired them. After...
  18. R

    GrubHub.... Is this really this hard of a company to deal with???

    Sounds like it’s time to dump them. Too many headaches. If you can , get online ordering if you have a pos system or use another reliable more cost effective service. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. R

    Buying out partner

    Offer him a reasonable offer to buy him out . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. R

    Oven Baked Mozzarella Sticks

    There is a huge opportunity to expand your menu if you add a deep fryer. Problem is you need a hood system for them which is costly. Although I believe there are ventless fryers on the market available to avoid this . I’d have to say that the fryer has to do with probably 20% of my business...