Which one is best to use
At the moment using carboard pizza liner
But i have seen customizedd pgrease paper but not sure is it only for chips or for use pizza boxes too
I received a different complaint today that dough is too soggy its like somreone put loads of water in it
I tried but couldn’t find the reason behind
I s anyone had this issue before i
At the moment i am using heat lamp for keeping pizzas warm. But i find out if comes like a 2 door cabinet for pizza food warmer.
There we can keep so many pizzas.
Anyone using them ? I am still confused to buy this
How to make garlic focaccia
Use the tub of garlic spread or make own.
And for Ham and pineapple
Is it good to use pineapple in round shape or cut in chunks
Summer heading in Australia.
Sometimes its toohot and harder for the staff to work bear oven
We fo have two exhaust fans one air con
But air con is near door so seems not working
Any suggestions how you set up for summer.
We do have a vegetable chopper but when we chop capsicum in that it all squeezed and water come up from capsicum
Same for tomato
We cant cut chicken in that
We are doing a bit of renovation in shop.
We do have two phone lines
Register and pizza cutting station at front section
But we do have big space that we never use
It’s mostly a take away shop.
Any ideas or plan if someone can suggest.
I had never done parbake of pizza crust.
But had suggestions for parbaking heavy pies.
So that it do have reduced amount of soggyness.
Any suggestions how to do it.