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  1. T

    Who uses steak?

    Take a hoagie/sub roll, split it in half, brush the inside with a commercial garlic flavored butter oil, add a couple slices of Provalone cheese, sauteed vegetables (we made then up in advance) and thin sliced steak strips (pre-cooked of course), close the sandwich, brush the top lightly with...
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    Panini paper wrap

    URNUTS; Are you referring to silicone baking sheets? We developed an oven baked sandwich that was made using a hoagie bun with cheese and meat fillings then wrapped in a silicone baking sheet and baked right along with the pizzas in an air impingement oven, they were great! They had a nice...
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    Deck to Conveyor & making the switch. Sort of. Advice?

    Al;so remember that the baking platform you use will also have a significant impact upon what you get out of your new air impingement oven. That’s why there are so many different baking platforms available, the trick is to find one that works best in YOUR oven to give you the pizza with the...
  4. T

    Conveyor oven (heat/time)

    We used to make calzones all the time in the air impingement ovens when I did the AIB Pizza Seminar. 485F for 6.5-minutes (leading edge in and trailing edge out). We used a lot less filling than what was originally described with total cheese at 3-ounces and only 2-ounces of sauce, then meat and...
  5. T

    Deck oven guys....

    Unless I’m having a problem with the dough adhering to the peel I use one fluid motion in and out with only a slight shake before the oven. My experience is that the more you shake it to get the dressed skin off of the peel the more it shrinks back. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Univex or sigma cold press

    Hotsauce; You definitely want to look up my article on different dough opening processes in the “In Lehmann’s Terms” archives as each method of opening the dough imparts different visual and textural characteristics to the finished crust so none of the methods (hot press, cold press...
  7. T

    is there a conveyor oven that has 2 temp settings for top and bottom?

    I wrote an article on the different types of ovens some time back if anyone wants to dig through my archived articles to find it. Every oven has its own strengths and weaknesses, knowing what those strengths and weaknesses are and matching them to your business model will go a very long ways in...
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    Think Tank Meet Up at Pizza Expo

    Richard; I’ll certainly try to make it this year. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
  9. T

    Univex or sigma cold press

    We had one for demo at one of our pizza seminars at AIB a number of years ago. The dough has to be fine tuned to the use of the machine but once this is accomplished it seems to work pretty well but not as fast as opening by hand. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
  10. T

    Friday Night Well Done Pizza Requests

    Just to toss my hat into the ring; If I were getting a lot of requests for well done pizzas I might be tempted to rethink how I’m baking my pizzas in my air impingement oven in the first place. We bake our pizzas to our customer’s demands and likes. If your customers are used to a deck oven bake...
  11. T

    What changes would you make to this dough recipe?

    I’d like to add something here but everything said so far covers all the bases. I’ve been asked to address this same type of question any number of times. It is a growing concern for many pizzerias as we are looking at an aging customer base that still has a love for pizza. Oil is a well...
  12. T

    Equipment Question

    Could it be used??? Yes, it can be restored to working condition that will probably pass muster with your local health inspector. Remove rollers and have them turned on a lathe at a machine shop…this is a pretty common procedure. While the rollers are off might as well replace the bearings as...
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    If you want to purchase aprons I’ve found that Restaurant Equippers <> has some very good quality aprons made from a heavy weight material with long apron strings and they sell to the public. They’re located in Ohio and will probably be present at the upcoming Ohio Pizza Show...
  14. T

    Problem with dough

    Well, that’s a matter for discussion, personally I think their pizzas would benefit GREATLY from another 30 to 45-seconds bake time, and their bake doesn’t come close to resembling a deck oven bake. Years ago Big Dave (Ostrander), Evelyn Slomon and I did a LOT of work over about a year period of...
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    Problem with dough

    Gt; You might consider trying this: Delete any sugar, eggs, or milk for your dough formula. Set the oven temperature at 500F. Set the baking time at 5-minutes and 45-seconds. Open the dough by hand tossing or sheeting to within 2-inches of full diameter and opening to full diameter by hand...
  16. T

    Problem with dough

    One other thing to add to my previous post, if you are baking on a solid pan that pan will bake slower than a screen so it is possible if your dough is already weak, for whatever reason, the screen would give more oven spring during baking which might be over extending the structure of the dough...
  17. T

    Problem with dough

    Since you are specific about the baking time I must assume that you are using an air impingement oven. From what you have briefly described it could well be that you don’t have the correct finger profile for the type of pizza that you are making. Identify the top and bottom finger profiles (each...
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    Equipment Question

    Does your specific type of pizza lend itself to the characteristics imparted by a dough sheeter? I wrote an article on this very topic, comparing the finished crust characteristics when the dough was opened into skins using the different methods (sheeting, pressing, tossing (hand) and I may have...
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    Deck to Conveyor & making the switch. Sort of. Advice?

    I would like to add one other thing to keep in mind when transitioning from a deck oven to an air impingement oven and that is to make sure the top and bottom finger profiles are correct for YOUR product mix. This is not much of an issue when buying a NEW oven, but BE SURE to bring it up with...
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    Question about what yeast to use for a quick rise dough

    Bakers yeast exhibits approximately a 20-minute lag between the time the dough comes off of the mixer until it actually begins to ferment, with this in mind I’d say that your dough is barely beginning to ferment by the time it’s actually going into the oven. You can speed things up a bit by...