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  1. T

    Frozen pizza, how to reduce gum line

    In practical application yes due to the time issue (from a production standpoint blast freezing is faster and more suited to high speed production) but in reality the par-baked crust can be frozen in a static freezer at 0F or lower without any problem. In one smaller frozen pizza operation we...
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    Conveyor oven temperature

    Raj; The Caputo flour is what’s causing the problem. It’s not intended for baking at temperatures below 399 to 426C. From a flour stand point you would be much better served using an Australian bread type flour that has been malted. Lacking that, increase the sugar to 4% and double the salt. You...
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    Frozen pizza, how to reduce gum line

    That should qualify for blast freezing. What we normally do is to par-bake the crusts and allow t cool for 20-minutes, then freeze the crust then apply the rest of the sauce and dress the crust and back into the freezer (unwrapped), immediately after the completed pizza is frozen its wrapped...
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    Pizza cooking from oven to the customers

    Without knowing anything about the pizza I can only take an educated S.W.A.G. 8-minute baking time at 250C is plenty of baking for most pizzas unless you are using the dough right out of the cooler, in that case it might not be.The color of the baking platform also comes into play here, is it...
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    Frozen pizza, how to reduce gum line

    If the dough has been properly par-baked you will not get a gum line. It sounds like you are putting all of the sauce on the skin for par-baking, this is not correct as it will result in a gum line. Instead, you only want to put not more than 1/2 of the sauce on the skin for par-baking, after...
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    Conveyor oven temperature

    We need to know a few things first. Are you using one of the Caputo “00” flours? Is your flour malted? Do you have sugar in your dough formula, if so, how much? What is your baking platform (screen, pan, disk, etc.? What is the color of your baking platform? What is the brand and model/size of...
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    Steaks, Cookies and Cinnamon Rolls

    Back when I was at AIB my right hand man if pizza research was Jeff Zeak, we both participated in Pizza Expo and while I was involved with my presentations and other Expo activities Jeff was working the XLT booth demonstrating their air impingement ovens. Jeff was a master at thinking outside of...
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    Who has made the switch from stone deck to conveyor?

    Mike; Daddio is “spot-on”. When you were testing the Lloyds disks which one were you using? How were the fingers profiled on the top and bottom? What was the baking time and temperature? Did you have any milk, sugar or eggs in your dough formula to contribute to the browning reaction? These are...
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    Thoughts on steel Deck Oven

    My time at Pizza Expo will be very short this year. I will be there only for my April 1st. 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. presentation and then I will be leaving directly for the airport. If you wish to have more information on how we got the char in our air impingement ovens please feel free to contact me...
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    Who is going to Pizza Expo 2020?

    Sadly, no. I will be arriving Las Vegas late afternoon of Tuesday, March 31 and leaving for the airport immediately following my Wednesday morning session (9:00 to 11:00 a.m.). I won’t even have any time to spend on the show floor. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Who is going to Pizza Expo 2020?

    I’ll be there but only for my presentation and then I’ll leave. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Thoughts on steel Deck Oven

    If you are looking to get some char from an air impingement oven there are specialized disks made to bake the pizzas on which will allow you to get some char. We did it all the time when we held our AIB Pizza Class. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    lowering heat to top of the pizza in conveyor older oven (to add more cook time for crispier bottom)

    That strip of metal can be as easy as using a piece of heavy duty aluminum foil. I do it all the time, fast, easy and it works! Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Spraying Cheese?

    Yes it is the “real deal”, it can and is done to help control color development on the cheese in deck ovens (it doesn’t work in air impingement ovens). One of the reasons why cheese doesn’t get as much color when other toppings are added, especially if those toppings include vegetable or fungi...
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    Countertop Oven

    To answer the hood question check with YOUR codes department, many cities now require a hood for any gas or electric oven and they are becoming more specific about what they require in regards to a hood. To find out what the cost of operating an electric oven will be take the power usage data...
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    Help with 25 year old Conveyor oven......

    The Marsal deck sold for about $1,800.00 and the two air impingement ovens, one an XLT and the other a Middleby-Marshall WoW (current models) each sold for a little over $3,000.00 each. These were very well maintained and had very low mileage on them, whoever got them got a real deal! Tom...
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    Flour Change

    It is all but impossible to really answer your question without knowing the entire dough management procedure. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Room Temp Slices?

    The easiest is to probably fully bake the pizzas and add just a small amount of additional cheese when you recon it for the customer. The process which calls for 1/2 of the sauce, par-baking, slicing, adding remainder of sauce, desired toppings and cheese is a VERY SPECIALIZED process requiring...
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    Fry Bread?

    Fried pizza crust has been around for quite some time now, in fact it was the embroiled in big time litigation for many years. If you want to see what it’s like just buy a Celeste Brand (Pillsbury) pizza as it is made using a fried crust. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Happy Birthday! You’re my inspiration!!! Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor