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  1. T

    Potassium Bromate in the flour

    I’ve never heard of potassium bromate (at safe and sane levels) impacting the flavor of bread or pizza crusts. Back in the day when we were using 65 ppm of bromate we would always detect a slight chlorine like flavor in the bread (my assistant used to say it smelled like a swimming pool) he was...
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    John Arena Video

    Are you familiar with working in bakers percent? The Dough Doctor
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    Dough Proofer

    Be sure to take extra efforts in consistently hitting your targeted finished dough temperature, with the process you describe the finished dough temperature will be by far the most important variable which will have the greatest impact upon the finished dough as well as the finished product. Tom...
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    Potassium Bromate in the flour

    You might see a slight impact of not using a bromated flour if you are running your cold fermentation times out to 5-days or more, but even then, the amount of bromate used is so small that this is even questionable. Back in the 60’s when we were using KBRO3 at 45 to 65 parts per million (ppm)...
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    Dough Proofer

    Luca; Are you looking for a dough “proofer” (operates at between 75 and 110F with adjustable humidity control) or are you looking for a dough “retarder” aka cooler which operates at between 36 and 42F. ? Proofers are typically used for proofing the dough in the pan when making thick crust pizzas...
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    Pizza sticking to peel

    The most effective dough dockers will have a flat tip rather than a small rounded or pointed tip on the wheel. The idea is to stick the top and bottom layers of the dough together as a means of controlling bubbling, you really don’t want to “perforate” the dough which defeats the purpose od...
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    Crust too tough/cracker-like

    I still think there is something going on with your flour, unless I can get more information on it I can’t add much else on the dough issue. The finished pizza shows only limited cheese coloration while the bottom crust color is well developed, so if it isn’t temperature of the oven it might be...
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    Crust too tough/cracker-like

    I saw some char on the bottom of the crust in the video which, to me, indicates that the pizza was baked at a temperature much higher than 300C/572F, probably more like 371C/700F or higher for a much shorter time, more like about 2.5 minutes, or so. Crank up the thermostat or toss another log on...
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    Crust too tough/cracker-like

    You say you have experimented with a 14% protein content flour, which one? Can you provide “spec” on any of the flours you have tried? The Caputo “00” is not a very strong flour and really doesn’t tolerate mixing all that well nor does it tolerate much more than 24-hours cold fermentation...
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    Crust too tough/cracker-like

    I’m beginning to think the issue is with the flour you’re using. I agree that at 10-minutes the dough, while not sufficiently developed, is about as developed as it’s going to get since at 12-minutes it is already beginning to break down. This indicates a very poor protein quality, or...
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    Crust too tough/cracker-like

    I don’t know how much the dough in the photo has been mixed but it is most definitely under mixed from all outward appearances. Try making a dough just as you have it shown in your first post but without the pepper, garlic powder and potato flakes. Use 58% absorption based on the total flour...
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    Crust too tough/cracker-like

    From what you are describing with a good portion of the dough stuck to the bottom of the mixing bowl as well as adhering to the dough hook (is it a reverse spiral dough arm?) it sounds like your dough is either too small for the bowl size or the dough is still too under mixed. What can you tell...
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    Crust too tough/cracker-like

    Your potato flour will will increase the absorption by approximately 5% so assuming a typical dough absorption of 62% without potato flour you should be adding an additional 5% absorption with the potato flour so your total dough absorption should by 67 to 68% not 58%. I’m guessing the dough is...
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    Deck ovens vs rotating pan ovens vs conveyor ovens

    In my humble opinion the biggest issue with any kind of deck or wood fired oven is the need for an oven tender. They put a raw pizza in the oven and it comes out only when he/she removes it, not a minute sooner or a minute later. My point is…they are dependent upon the human element, and we all...
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    Spiral Mixer flour not hydrating completely

    See, wasn’t that easy? Water always first. Additionally, your mixing time might be a little short, I find that I usually have better results with a total mixing time of 10 to 12-minutes with most spiral mixers. Mix just until all of the flour is hydrated (typically around 2+ minutes), add the...
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    Commercial suppliers of par-baked and self-rising crust

    Port City Bakery aka TNT Crust is also a supplier, there are a number of different suppliers, try a few to see what you like. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Remember, as a rule, wood peels are used to peel pizzas into the oven aka prep-peels and metal peels are used to peel the pizzas out of the oven. It has been my personal experience over the years that the composite peels, while better than metal peels when used as a prep-peel are not quite as...
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    Cleaning Pizza Screens

    Anon; Am I correct in assuming you’re using the screens as a peel? Or are you pre-prepping your pizzas and just holding them on the screens with parchment paper until needed during your busy periods? I’m not exactly sure how you’re presently using the screens. I’ve seen a number of stores use...
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    Cleaning Pizza Screens

    There is a product called Carbon-Off made specifically for this application in the food industry. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    VCM to planetary mixer

    This is why it’s important to know and monitor your finished dough temperature, if you target the same finished dough temperature and adjust the development so the dough is coming off of the mixer just as it begins to take on a smooth appearance it really doesn’t make much difference which type...