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  1. T

    converting formula from planetary to spiral

    As far as mixing time is concerned, since there are a number of variables involved such as design of the mixer and agitator, agitator speed, dough size to bowl capacity, dough absorption, etc. one cannot be specific regarding mixing time in your spiral as opposed to a planetary mixer but the...
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    Raw pre-sheeted dough

    Andy; Frozen dough will seldom, if ever be as good flavor wise as a fresh made and well fermented dough, but to each his own. In some applications it might work quite well. The greatest resistance to using frozen dough is not the flavor of the finished crust but rather the cost. Using frozen...
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    Raw pre-sheeted dough

    Do you have a small retail bakery in your area where you might have them make the pre-made pizza skins for you? It’s a no-brainer for any bakery to make pizza skins, the dough formula is nothing special, just mix to a smooth dough consistency, scale and ball, oil the dough balls, cold ferment...
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    Sicilian Dough Process?

    Adjust your dough size to give you just enough dough to fill the pans for a single proofer load, then as soon as you finish with the lunch rush start the second dough and repeat the process you should be finished with the second dough well in time to be ready for the dinner trade. Since the...
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    Looking for parts for Hobart HF-190 Mixer

    Have you checked with R.T. Bundy and Assoc., Urbana, Ohio? They are the world’s largest used and reconditioned bakery equipment company. Over 11 acres of equipment! Give them a call and see what they might have in inventory with regard to a large commercial spiral type dough mixer. If they have...
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    Can I hire one of you to answer all my start-up stupid questions?

    Sharkinthesalsa; Feel free to give me a call at 785-537-1037 (Manhattan, Kansas) to discuss your needs in greater detail. Be sure to send me an e-mail letting me know when you’re calling so I can be at my desk to take your call. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Can I hire one of you to answer all my start-up stupid questions?

    What kind of questions are we talking about? Formulation/dough/sauce/ prep/baking, or ops? Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Lightly oiling dough balls in manufacturing

    The big box store commissaries use robotics. Short of that think of using a mist tunnel where the oil will be sprayed as a mist and deposited onto the dough balls. The mist tunnel HAS to be enclosed (looking something like an air impingement oven) with a vacuum oil recovery system. Failure to do...
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    Gum & Candy

    Brad has it correct. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Crisp crust - Conveyors

    Remember that baking is only one part of the crispy equation, the other, equally important parts are fermentation, absorption and formulation. In short, 48 to 72-hours fermentation time, hand opened skin, 65% absorption and no sugar, milk, or eggs in the dough formulation. Then too, if you are...
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    The most asked question on here!?

    If it were me I’d be looking long and hard at a spiral mixer, 208V/3-phase (might be a problem now? but shouldn’t be a problem in a pizzeria.) As for size, I’d suggest looking at a 70-quart capacity as this will easily mix doughs based on 50-pounds of flour weight with the ability to mix doughs...
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    electric oven vs. gas

    When I was at AIB we did a lot of comparisons between gas and electric ovens, what we found is that you can get similar results but the baking time and temperature will be different to achieve similar end results. The electric oven will require a longer baking time and it typically requires a...
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    new mixer advice

    I’m in total agreement in if you don’t need the mixer for anything else go with a spiral design mixer, they’re readily available from many sources (look them up on Google to get an idea of size and cost but not expensive at all). Best of all, there is no learning curve from your present mixer...
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    pre stretched dough

    What we have done very successfully is to open the skins and place onto pizza screens which are places into a wire tree rack and taken to the cooler, after 20-minutes cover the rack of skins with a food contact approved plastic bag. The skins will kee for the better part of the day in this...
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    Two things immediately come to mind, if you’re in rut best to stay out of the deer woods :D, and two, have you given any thought to a really great dessert pizza? One made using a real cheese base (like that used on a cheese Danish). This would be along the same lines that George suggested. These...
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    Sweet Pizza Sauce

    We used to use pureed carrots to get sweetness…might give it a try to see if it gives you what you are looking for in sweetness. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Think Tank Meet Up at Pizza Expo

    Wasn’t able to make it as I was with participants from my afternoon presentation until 6:30 that night, and then I was going to have to walk around the building (a nearly 20-minute walk) as there were no shuttles operating at that time…bummer! I think the presentation rooms were in a different...
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    Recipe Decoding?

    It can be done but it is EXPEN$IVE as well as unnecessary. I used to do it all the time when I worked at AIB. First you document the finished product with pictures, measurements and actual samples for matching, then you collect all the information you can regarding how it’s made, every little...
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    Think Tank Meet Up at Pizza Expo

    After the Beer 'N Bull as originally planned? Any special meeting place, or just outside the room? Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Panini paper wrap

    The correct term is baking parchment paper. It does not insulate and it is designed for high temperature exposure. We used to use it on the bottom of sheet pans when making cakes and it is still the standard for use in lining sheet pans when making brownie squares and souffle pans when making...