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  1. G

    PreCooked Breaded Wings

    I just had a rep from Brakebush drop some samples, I’ll let you know what I think when I fire them up
  2. G

    Pizza preferances

    Excellent ideas, but we are so tight on space and competent labor that I’ve had to limit our offerings to match the talent level of the labor. And that is only getting worse, many restaurants here use work-released convicts from the local prison, and something hinky is going on with that work...
  3. G

    Pizza preferances

    If they do say something, Another option is freezing the fresh cut pineapple, seperated on a sheetpan , I bet you could go from frozen to oven with no problems. I’ve been wanting to do fresh pineapple, but I need to find another outlet for it besides just on pizza. I’ve been toying with the...
  4. G

    Pizza preferances

    What does your health inspector have to say about that? “Modified atmosphere Packaging” requires a HAACP plan and/or a variance granted by the state in my area
  5. G

    Minimum wage increase in NY

    That is exactly it! There’s that rule of “Unintended Consequences” coming back to bite everyone in the butt!
  6. G

    In Texas, health care workers quit jobs to work at fast foodshops

    Being in Wisconsin, I do not see that obnoxious minimum wage increase happening anytime soon, (Thank you Gov. Walker) But, to try and attract a higher skilled workforce, we now start our entry level workers (if they are not total idiots who need to be reminded to not breathe while underwater)...
  7. G

    Pizza preferances

    We are all over the board in our offerings, We do the classic “Joe & Betty Sixpack” style of pizzas, and we do some more unique offerings too, we see about a 50/50 split. I would love to offer a proscuitto & Marinated artichoke heart pizza here, but have an idea my area is not quite ready for...
  8. G

    Minimum wage increase in NY

    I feel sorry for you guys dealing with that. I am in Wisconsin, so there is no serious talk about that obnoxious pay rate for unskilled workers, YET! But, since I like to get ahead of the wave, here is what we have done. We went to a “No Tipping Allowed” environment. But we have added a 15%...
  9. G

    Spiral mixer question

    Our spiral drive lifts up to pull the dough hook out of the bowl, I need to disengage the drive, rotate the dough hook by hand to get it out of the dough, then the bowl gets placed on a kitchen cart, then gently transferred to a granite countertop on its side and we roll the dough out in one...
  10. G

    I sold one of my stores to a "friend"

    Is it worth you trying to help him and salvage a friendship and a store? Why is he failing? Is it quality? is it time, inconsistency?
  11. G

    Papa Murphy's

    I was looking at opening a DELCO satellite location across from the tribal housing projects ($275/month rent for a 2000 Sq-ft store front) and offering a take & bake option specifically for people living on government assistance. But,I quickly realized that since I cannot get a full staff...
  12. G

    In search of Portioning cups, I believe they're for Papa John's

    I see them listed, but I see no way to access that message board to even contact the seller or post something of my own, I love the fact that @bodegahwy took the time and effort and found them for me though.
  13. G


    Absolutely ridiculous! My last “No-call, No-Show” showed up to work after 2 weeks of being missing, he wondered why the POS wasn’t accepting his employee ID number, I was watching him wondering what the heck he was even doing here. I asked what he was doing, he said he is here to work, I...
  14. G

    In search of Portioning cups, I believe they're for Papa John's

    Those are the ones!!! Thank you, and nearby too (if you can call 4 hours travel nearby) at least in the same state I cannot see them listed by following tags, I’m also not seeing how to join the discussion board to make an offer Still trying
  15. G

    In search of Portioning cups, I believe they're for Papa John's

    @smiling with hope Thank you Walter, But. I’ve already got 2 sets of the Grande cups, what we did is measured cheese (Diced) by using the Grande cups, then weighed the contents on a digital scale, and averaged the weights to get our weights/costs. They are close enough for me to be comfortable...
  16. G

    I got a call from the unemployment office the other day........

    What has gotten my optimistic is that now they are proactively going after fraud and abusers, (might just be my state, I do not know) because when I tried to report “Pajama Boy” for his little stunt a few years back, nobody seemed to care, I even got an earful about how my taking a picture of...
  17. G

    I got a call from the unemployment office the other day........

    They called to verify someones work-search requirements to continue collecting their unemployment benefits. I searched through my applications folder, I did not see this persons name anywhere, so I asked if there was a date that this person stated they filled out an application for employment...
  18. G


    They cannot be fired for making libelous claims (or is it slanderous?) Okay, but their hours can be reduced to a single 4-hour shift per week at obnoxious times to come in and do nothing but clean toilets. Just say’n… There’s ways to make an employee no longer want to stay employed, I’ve used...
  19. G

    Maintaining Crust Cripsiness; trays, pans, and inserts?

    I am interested in getting a few samples in 12" & 16" sizes, also pricing, shipping options,
  20. G


    Sweet Tea or northern tea? For our Sweet Tea, We use a “Black Tea for sweetening” from Superior coffee that is very nice, it comes in a filter pack so that makes it easier. For our unsweet tea, we use a loose tea in a tea brewing machine that is no cost for us to use. Important info; Clean and...