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  1. T

    Been playing with the lloyd discs....

    The Hex Disk flows about the same amount of air to the bottom of the pizza as a pizza screen but there are applications where the Hex Disk differs from a screen. If you store the dough on a screen it may flow into the screen and expand during baking thus locking the pizza to the screen, the...
  2. T

    How much dough can you make in a 40qt Hobart?

    A lot will depend upon the speed at which you will be mixing your doughs at. In many cases capacities are based on mixing only at the lowest/slowest speed which might take forever and a long day to mix out a dough (realistically 20-minutes or more) while many of us will use second or medium...
  3. T

    Slice size

    Because where you are buying your slices from doesn’t use one of the slice cutting guides or an Equalizer to cut their slices. If they were using one of the mentioned devices all slices would be the same size. These are pretty common with stores which sell pizza to the schools for their lunch...
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    Promise Times

    I am not an advocate of delivery. If it can be avoided in any way I recommend doing so. I’ve yet to see a decent pizza that was delivered further away than across the street from the pizzeria, and even then I wouldn’t take any bets on it. You will save on space and insurance hassles by avoiding...
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    Selling Your Sauce?

    You can do it BUT you’re on thin ice. How will you ensure the safety of the bottled sauce? How will you handle and reported cases of illness (real or imagined) resulting from your sauce? Be sure to check with your local food safety inspector to see what they have to say and if you get the green...
  6. T

    Anyone do a buy one get one free pizza restaurant?

    Let me begin by saying that I am NOT an advocate of “two fers” (two for the price of one) at any time. It totally undermines the value of your pizzas in the eye of your customers. Last week you were selling those pizzas two for $10.00, now you are selling them for $10.00 each…THAT’S OUTRAGEOUS...
  7. T

    Margherita Pie...Basil On Before or After?

    When making just the Margherita pizza and using a deck or stone hearth oven, I like to put it on after baking and then put the pizza back in the oven just long enough to wilt the basil. If using an air impingement oven, IF I have the luxury of pushing the pizza back into the oven I like to add...
  8. T

    Flatbread Pans

    There are deep-dish pans, coupe pans, screens, and disks, what is a flatbread pan? All flat breads that I’m familiar with (pocket and non-pocket pita, wraps, tortillas, etc.) are all baked directly on the hearth. I’m not exactly sure what you are looking for? Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
  9. T

    How to keep deck oven clean?

    Welcome to the wonderful world of deck ovens! What you are experiencing is just one of the many reasons why the chains and many independents have so readily embraced the “conveyor” ovens. What you are experiencing and doing is pretty SOP (standard operating procedure) for any kind of deck/stone...
  10. T

    Dry, spongy, and a gum line!

    There are just so many different factors involved in the development of a gum line and unless you address the correct one the problem will not be alleviated. To get a better grasp on just what is happening I will need to know more about your dough formula, dough management procedure (including...
  11. T

    So Many Bubbles

    The two most common causes for dough bubbling during baking are cold dough going into the oven (for your type of application the dough should be allowed to warm to 60F), and lack of dough fermentation (48-hours in the cooler is suggested for a very hot bake). If you are a F.C. concept hot...
  12. T

    Dough Question

    In one word. No It may provide a flavor (sometimes bad, like a metallic taste) to the finished crust and it doesn’t help to regulate the rate of fermentation as regular sodium chloride does. If you want to achieve a 70% reduction in sodium content from the salt that you are adding you might look...
  13. T

    Lincoln IMPINGER 1000 finger configuration

    Our ovens were up to operating temperature (460F) in under 30-minutes. If you provide your oven serial number as well as the photographs of the of the finger configuration which you presently have the folks at Lincoln should be able to get you pointed in the right direction with the finger...
  14. T

    Vulcan pizza oven

    It sounds like what you are looking at is a “bakery” oven. They are made by many of the same manufacturers of pizza ovens, they look just like a “pizza” oven but what distinguishes them from the pizza counterpart is the lower BTU burner. Many of these ovens also have a steel deck which is...
  15. T

    100% Whole Wheat or Multigrain crust

    Randy; I neglected to address your multi-grain part of your request. A multi-grain dough/crust is made using both white flour and a multi-grain blend (typically a blend of 7 or more different grains). A good formula is one containing 65% white flour and 35% multi-grain blend. The multi-grain...
  16. T

    100% Whole Wheat or Multigrain crust

    Randy; Just to make sure we are on the same track, a whole-wheat/ whole-grain dough/crust has no white flour in it at all. If there is any white flour in it, regardless of the amount it is correctly referred to as a “wheat” crust, not a whole-wheat/whole-grain crust. The easiest whole-wheat...
  17. T

    Round Pizza Serving Trays

    I totally agree, if you’re getting soggy pizzas for dine-in the place to begin looking is not for a new serving tray, but instead to address the problem with the pizza itself. At AJ’s an aluminum coupe pan is used with a piece of printed parchment paper between the tray and the pizza…never a...
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    Heavy dough

    Sure, you can use both, not a problem (can’t see any advantage) or you can use just all Crisco. If you add just Crisco you can add it right along with the CY on top of the flour. Any kind of oil should be added by using the delayed oil addition mixing method. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Heavy dough

    To answer your questions in the order you presented them: No. Baking powder can/will give your finished crust a different flavor. Homey is a waste of money unless it makes you feel good by adding it, in that case, by all means use it. Crisco is just another form of a fat, if you keep the level...
  20. T

    Final Mixed Dough now Softer/Wetter ?

    Luke; Yes it will…you said “if I stop at 70 - 75 it will look under mixed” which say you are controlling the finished dough temperature through mixing/dough development time which is the wrong way to go about it, instead the finished dough temperature is controlled through adjustment of the...