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  1. M


    Is anyone doing any sort of version of the pizza cookie (like Papa Johns and Pizza Hut)? This seems like it might be a good fit for our business in that the packaging is very similar. If you are doing some version of these, can you describe your process? Not too worried about recipes, just...
  2. M

    Best appliances for shredding cheese

    I was just reading another post where joker mentioned using an Alpha machine for shredding cheese. I would like to learn more about which model he recommends and price ranges, but I thought I would post this out there for other preferred methods of shredding cheese. I think it would be valuable...
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    Pay as you go workers compensation?

    I received some literature from a local payroll company and one of the bulletin points caught my eye - pay as you go workers compensation. From what I know my state sets the workers compensation guidelines and limits as to what insurance companies can charge me and when. Can anyone tell me how...
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    How to keep pizzas warm - Large Order (for us anway)

    We have a relatively new store and we received our first “large” order of 50 pizzas - but we agreed to put half a pizza per box - so 100 boxes. The idea is that each employee of our customer’s will get 4 slices or half of a large pizza - 14" or one box. I have about 15 hot bags that I know can...
  5. M

    When to use EDDM

    We are a new shop and I am looking to take my first forray into EDDM in September. Our primary advertising vehicle so far has been VALPAK which has proven to be very effective. The VALPAK’s typically hit the first week of the month and we are getting huge boosts from it, anywhere from 20-50%...
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    Carry Out Versus Delivery Percentage?

    I recently openend (March 15th) a delco unit and sales or pretty solid considering that we have done an extremely soft opening. However, one thing that still surprises me is that since we started our delivery service the number of customers using it has been very slim. I last owned a pizza...
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    Store Visits?

    Hello All, I will be traveling via automobile from Michigan to Las Vegas and then on to San Francisco in mid-February. I believe I will be leaving on or around February 11th, jut after the NAPICS show. I would love to do some store tours along the way. Are there any operators who are along or...
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    Counterfeit Bills?

    Has accepting counterfeit bills been an issue for you? Do you have ongoing issues with counterfeit bills or an isolated incident here and there? If it has been an issue what steps have been successful in preventing the acceptance of counterfeit money?
  9. M

    Grande Cheese Pricing

    I am getting ready to open a new delco in Metro Detroit area. I am looking to use Grande Whole Milk and Grande Part Skim in a 50/50 blend but will be shredding myself. I am currently working with GFS and their latest quote for me is around $2.65 per pound. My questions has three part’s: 1.)...
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    Purchasing Door Slips

    Anyone have any recommendation on where I can purchase the “old-fashioned” door slips for order taking and labeling on boxes? I would like to keep a case on hand as a backup to my POS system so this is likely just a one time or infrequent purchase. I am in the Metro Detroit area.
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    Reversing direction on conveyor ovens

    I had to reverse the direction on my Middleby Marshall PS 536. We found the wires and made the switch and everything appears to be good. I know you are also supposed to switch the belt around, but I do not really know why or what the reason for this is. It looks like some of the belt can caught...
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    Middlby MarshallPS536 Finger Arrangements

    Hello Everyone, I have a PS536 Electric oven and I want to know if my finger arrangements are appropriate. Does anyone know if this information is published somewhere? In a related question…thank to the trip down memory lane post I read in a much older post where Tom Lehman describes a finger...
  13. M

    Hobart 20 QT Mixer

    I am looking to purchase a Hobart 20 QT Mixer. The most common model number is A200, although I think they have a newer line…Anyway, the ones I am looking at are the A200’s. The manual says these come with a 1/2 HP motor and most of the folks on Ebay advertise them that way, but when I see...
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    Grinder Buns

    I am looking to offer Grinders as part of my menu in a new delivery\carry-out shop. I am interested in making my own grinder buns? Does anyone have feedback on whether it is worth it to create my own bun? What have your experiences been? What kind of equipment would I need? Are there any...
  15. M

    Low Volume Mixer

    Hello Everyone, I am putting together an independent pizza store (delivery\carry-out) with the primary design consideration that the store will have as low of a break even as possible. I expect to have low volume sales for a while, and when the lower volumes begin to trend upward I will have...