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  1. R

    Payment depot

    Anyone have any experience with this company? No markup on fees . Pay a membership fee based on volume. Pay interchange plus 25 cents for up to $20,000 in monthly volume. $299 membership fee . pay interchange plus 15 cents for up to $40,000 in monthly volume. $399 membership fee. pay...
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    Heartland payment systems

    Hi all, Is anyone using heartland payment for their processing ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Dealing with a Horrible Landlord

    After 16 years at my current location, My current landlord is trying to call my bluff. I gave him the specs of a new location for me which would drop my rent cost and give me double the size of my current location. Location is about 1 mile down the road and trade area will be the same as prior...
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    Thank you Mailshark

    I haven’t posted in a while , but I started with mail shark a few weeks ago and I am very pleased with the results so far!
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    Thank you Taradel

    Special thanks to Chris and the Taradel crew for our new printed menus & rapid response time. I stopped mailing for a few months, and began 2 weeks ago, and i am seeing the bump in sales already. RobT
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    Employee Handbook

    Anyone out there would like to share an employee handbook? I’m putting together one and am looking for things i need to add. Thanks Rob [email protected]
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    Beat the Credit Card Processors..........

    Guys, I’m gunna pass some great info on to all of you. Check out They send out your business for bid from various credit card processors. (Similar to Priceline) I got Interchange pricing + .10 plus .10 per transaction, $10 Statement fee, No early termination fee. The rates...
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    Cintas Uniform Co.

    ANyone else on here that deals with Cintas? I am really starting to get annoyed at their exorbant fees. My service charge went from $8 a week to $19 in 1 year.
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    32 In a row.

    My pizza guy is going away for a month. Tomorrow i start my Journey of Working 12 Hour shifts, Open to Close for 32 Straight days. Wish me luck!
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    Jim, How is the store doing since you took it back? Hope all is well… Rob…
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    How Many Phone Lines?

    How many phone lines does everyone out there have for their business?
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    deck oven cleaning?

    what do you deck oven guys clean your exterior with?
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    Credit Card Processing Question

    Any of you guys out there having a problem with your credit card customers. I’ve had 5 people call me over the past 6 months who said i’ve overcharged them for a sale. After calling up the Credit card processor, they are telling me that some cardholders accounts automatically have a 20% gratuity...
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    POS & Direct Mail

    What does everyone do with their POS data? I have a POS system for 5 months now… and just started doing a 30 day lazy customer mailing. Does anyone mail first class or bulk rate. Its look like it can get pretty expensive doing 300 pieces (costing $72) a month. I have no clue what to do as far...
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    What do you guys pay to have your restaurant hood systems cleaned? My insurance company is busting my chops about getting them cleaned regularly. Thanks