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    arctic air

    any one using or used this equipment,and what are your comments???
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    why did you change your signature? i liked “pizza is love” please elaborate.
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    del charge

    if your employee quotes a price on a del over the phone,does not get the del fee,do you adjust the ticket and call the customer back? i personally do not.
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    what type of yeast do you prefer? i recently switched to I.D.Y from A.D.Y and i am noticing a difference in my crust.(flavor and oven spring is lacking) question is…have any of you had a problem with I.D.Y.?
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    anyone know where i can get some 24" serving pans, screens & boxes
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    slow day

    what day of the week has the least revenue for all of you mine is tuesday…hands down
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    web master???

    where did you put the cheese prices that were on the main page???
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    surface calculator

    i found this,maybe it will help
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    sweet mm's

    just got my mm360’s two days ago,man are they SWEEEEET GIMMIE THOSE BIG PIZZA ORDERS PLEEEAASE
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    😦 :cry:
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    is it quiet tonight or what

    seems a little slow to me tonight…
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    refurbished mm360s from p.e.s.i

    has anyone done business with pizza inc. for refurbished mm360s ?