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  1. B

    Ventless fryers

    Hello, I was hoping to get more information on ventless fryers, The new location we are looking at is becoming a challenge to pipe out the exhaust and started looking at this option. If anyone has one or has used one can you give me an idea of how they compare to a floor mount fryer? Capacity...
  2. B

    Who's making fresh pasta?

    In the constant search to find new ways to set us apart I’m thinking of adding fresh pasta to the menu. The one thing I’m not sure of is how to store it, one thought is to make up small batches a few times per week and freeze it then just pull out each portion as needed. Would this defeat the...
  3. B

    Marsal Oven questions

    Hello, I just took delivery of a new Marsal SD866 and cannot seem to get the temps correct… I started out at 525 which produced a pretty good pie but the cook times were in the 12 minute range which doesn’t jive with what I’ve read about these ovens… I played around with temps more today and...
  4. B

    Moving Oven

    Hello, I hope somebody can give me advise on the best way to move and install an oven? I purchased a Marsal 10866 single stack which is currently in a storage unit, I need to find a way to transport it to the pizzeria and figure out a way to get it setup correctly. I thought of renting a...
  5. B

    Lease questions

    Hello everyone! I’ve been trying to work through a few issues we’re having and cannot seem to get any straight answers so maybe some of you might have suggestions… The background story is my brother and I entered into a 2 year lease for a pizzeria last March and everything was going great until...
  6. B

    Tossed dough options

    We currently hand toss our pies which works great and are very happy with the finished product however this requires a skilled person working to accomplish this. Right now I’m here open to close everyday because we cannot seem to find a good pizza guy or if we do they want more then we are...
  7. B

    Problems with dough

    I’m having an issue with our dough I’m hoping to get help with… We used to have a 60qt mixer but went down to a 40qt and cannot seem to get the right consistency with the final product… With the 60qt the recipe was: 1- 50lb bag flour 1- cup olive oil 1- cup salt 29 grams yeast 14 liters H20 I...