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  1. B

    Tip Credit for business owner

    As most of you know, I am out of the pizza biz these days. I am doing business brokerage and I find myself working with small businesses and reviewing financials every week. In that process I am always looking to present the financials in the best light… There is one item that I have found a...
  2. B

    Couldn't happen to a nice bunch.........

    I must admit this gave me a perverse moment of happiness. F$%K these guys:
  3. B

    A to Z, Soup to Nuts, The Whole Enchilada, When all is said and done.

    No surprise that I am a fan of Microworks and Prism. I have written before about it so I will not cover old ground. What is new is selling my business and the way they managed the transition to the new owner. As I expected it was seamless. We closed at the end of the day Tuesday, ran the CC...
  4. B

    The Fat Lady Sings or What a Long Strange Trip it has Been

    Well folks… the day has come. This morning I sat down at the title company and sold my pizza business and the property it occupies. It was not long after the 19th anniversary of our first day in business. As the Grateful Dead said; “What a long strange trip it has been”. No doubt, I will spend...
  5. B

    Hot-N-Ready Ad

    Another Colorado pizza business ran this “Hot-N-Ready” ad. Thought some of you might get a kick out of it.
  6. B

    No Crust Pizza?

    I had a request the other day for a “no crust” pizza. I guess the idea is that you build the pie on something like parchment… sauce, toppings, cheese etc rather than on dough. Is this a thing? Do any of you do it? How do you do it? Do you sell many? I guess I can see the appeal for someone...
  7. B

    Why, after 19 years with Microworks Prism I would do it all over again!

    We opened almost 19 years ago with Microworks POS. It was a DOS system (yes, a long time ago!) We have been with them ever since. Our experience this past weekend is why I would do it with them all over again if I were starting from scratch. Our current system is a mix of six machines purchased...
  8. B

    Where are YOU personally getting your health insurance?

    Going through the struggle right now. Rates are insane so we are going to go with a non-compliant plan. I was wondering what you guys are doing?
  9. B

    So you want to buy a pizza store?

    Well, you are in good company around here. We get a lot of visitors that are turning these ideas over and they come to pick the brains of the folks on the Think Tank. We are a collection of pizza store owners mostly in USA, Canada and Australia (common language for one thing!) but we have others...
  10. B

    So you want to sell your restaurant...........

    Most of you know that I do business brokerage (In addition to owning pizza businesses for the last 19 years) All of us are likely to want to “exit” at some point. What should you be thinking about as that time approaches? How do buyers look at businesses? How can you position your businesses in...
  11. B

    Travel travel... Stopped in Elko, NV

    Finally been away long enough that I am actually hungry for pizza! Sitting in a place called The Blind Onion in Elko Nevada. The pizza combos look interesting and the place is full of energy. Really nice young lady at the front counter. We should all be so fortunate to have a front counter...
  12. B

    Increasing sales... the elements of growth T X C X A = S

    Diving into thinking about my business and how to grow sales. I have been lazy about this for a while and my sales have been mostly sideways. Time for a change. There are three elements to changing your sales total. In sense it is a numbers game. Change one of the three elements and you change...
  13. B

    Appetizers and desserts.... going for average ticket increases

    Overall, due to the nature of our market and our efforts to sell pizzas with a lot of toppings, we have high ticket averages. In general, an increased ticket is the most desirable way to increase sales. There is no change in basic costs such as rent, utilities and, if you are making simple...
  14. B

    New thoughts on reviews... or: New Trick For Old Dog.

    The damn things just keep coming up. I don’t like them. My stomach gets twisted just thinking about them. I have to get in a certain frame of mind just to go read them. Even a 3* gets me upset… I have been speaking with others on the subject. Complaining mostly. We all have reviews that are...
  15. B

    What is your time worth... how are you using it?

    The day to day creeps up on you. Surrounds you. Occupies your attention and pretty soon there are no hours left in the day. You are staring at the ground right in front of your feet rather than thinking about what you want to do differently next month, next season and next year. You are running...
  16. B

    Employee and recruiting challenges

    This thread started in another direction… however the discussion took it toward employee recruiting… so what the heck… the edit feature can be used for many things including bowing to momentum. I deleted my original post here and reposted in a new topic in hopes that it will become a discussion...
  17. B

    Reviews.... ahhhh.... but, well... hmmm

    I hate them. I wish they would expire after some reasonable period and disappear (both good and bad) as a review for a restaurant that is from 2 years ago is meaningless. We take thousands of orders per year. On the major review sites (don’t want to name them so this thread does not come up in...
  18. B

    Jackalope Pizza

    Introducing a new pie to the menu starting monday. Jackalope Pizza… having some fun with that on Facebook, Radio, email etc as you might imagine… The Jackalope is a specialty sausage made by a regional game specialist that includes rabbit, antelope and pork. Tastes really good. The combo has...
  19. B

    Google Ad Words

    We started using Google Ad Words about a month ago. Our sales are up about 30% in that time. I wish I could say with certainty why sales are up but that is the nature of advertising. We do have a pretty good website and online ordering to direct customers to. I would not suggest using ad words...
  20. B

    Free Delivery Anywhere on the Planet in 30 minutes or less...

    My wife and daughter drove from NY to CO last week across the north… Over Ontario and Erie, Upper Peninsula, WI, MN, SD… on the way the visited the Minute Man Historic Site and got this postcard.