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  1. D


    Having issues trying to find employees.What does everyone here use to find employees? Indeed, Facebook , Zip recruiter, Local Job Service Etc? Must be doing something wrong nobody is interested besides the people that need unemployment. Ugg. Where do I get started?
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    Any one here using a cloud base phone system? I am just looking for feedback on the system if you do use it. I am currently using Charter Voice spending about 400 per month for 6 lines. Any help would be great. I need to reduce this issue.
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    Sales builder

    Sales Builder from Gransbury.Anyone here use this if so what are your thoughts on it.Does it work?Have used it and didnt care for it.Any thoughts before I sign up and give it a shot.
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    Mail Shark

    Anyone ever use Mailshark and if so how was the outcome with them and did it hellp your sales as they claim?
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    How do you stop theft?I have tried everything.Damn empolyees.
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    peel a deal

    Has anyone used these and how did they work for you?
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    I need wire shelves for a true tpp 93 any one have any for sale?
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    lower pricing

    how many have you have lowered your prices on your pizzas in the last year?
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    new look

    I have had the same logo for 22 years do you think that is time to change it ?How many have you have changed yours?
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    how do i obtain a copy of the approved grease trap in my current location? please help
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    frozen pizza

    i see alot of competitors are getting there frozen pizzas 12in pizzas in retail stores,bars,ect, i have been wanting to get in this for awile now ,what are the steps i need to take to get this going i know i have to get a usda stamp but from there im kinda lost ,if any of you have got this going...
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    delivery driver pay

    what do you pay your drivers?mine make min 7.25 plus tips and 1.00 per run,im thinking to drop them to tip wage at all times.should i drop them to tip wage? any help here would be great
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    i average about 65 deliveries a day how can i get this up to around 100 any input would be great thanks
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    write up

    what is the easist way to get your local news press to do a write up on you and your business
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    pizza sales letter

    does any one know where i can find a great pizza sales letter?any help would be great
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    diamond touch

    i had to replace my computers today,i have the diamond touch 98 does anyone know the default password to this?please help im lost without it thank you
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    direct mail

    what is a good company to use for direct mail?
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    direct mail

    how many offers do you offer on your direct mailing?im trying to put one together but i think that i have to many offers
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    looking for a double stack of blogdett 1000 series any one have any for sale?
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    flour price

    what are you paying for a 50 pound bag of flour? i use all trump paying 17.75 a bag using 25 bags a week.