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  1. G

    Cross Country motorcycle trip , where are you at?

    May 3rd I am riding out to Las Vegas from Northern WI, I’m riding 94 West to Minneapolis, 35 south to I-40, then running that west to Las Vegas. I will be stopping for the night near Emporia KS, and again near Kingman AZ (if the ride goes as planned) Who is along my route so I can stop in and...
  2. G

    only 6 more days of work left, and I exit

    the change of ownership of my place closes on January 6th, I agreed to a 5-year, 50 mile no-compete clause, I really hope they do not screw up my pizza. I am absolutely ecstatic about the sale,. the millennials have driven me to near insanity with their lack of work ethic and not taking...
  3. G

    it looks like my run is coming to an end,

    We have an interested buyer that hopes to take over operations on December 1st So, my plan is to take a month out on the Harley to ride across the country and visit as many of you guys as I can.
  4. G

    Gyros, What the heck am I thinking?

    Nobody does authentic gyros within 35 miles of me, And I’ve been threatening to bring them into the mix here for over a year now. After me waiting in line for 90 minutes to get a gyro at a local motorcycle rally a week ago, that made my decision to offer them much easier. I also plan to bring...
  5. G

    It finally happened, they took ownership of their area's

    I’ve been coaxing my crew for months and months to get more involved in daily operations without always expecting me to tell them what needs to be done. It finally happened, I am overwhelmed with joy at how this crew has come together and is now self motivated. the epiphany happened when I...
  6. G

    Unique last names you've seen????

    We had an order tonight with the last name Schissle, it was a delivery, so for 15 minutes while it was being prepped and packaged, all I heard was the Snoop Dogg voice “Yo Man you have a delivery Fo Shizzle” "Hey, dispatch yourself for shizzle and every other variation you can think of. I know...
  7. G

    I try not to post here often, but I need to vent somewhere

    I have got the most Ham-Handed staff that I have ever experienced, I’m willing to bet these clowns could destroy an Anvil with a rubber mallet without much effort/. This week has just been a trail of destruction, and idiocy . Where do I start? Oh, the dolly for the garbage can, it twists on...
  8. G

    Business Interruption Insurance............

    Have your agent explain any and all exclusions to coverage. I recently learned that “Downed Power lines” are excluded in my policy unless the lines are down within 1,000 feet of the building. If your insurance agent does not have you properly covered, there is legal remedy through a...
  9. G

    We did a discounted pizza experiment on friday, pleased with results

    I am not one of those guys who tries to compete in the race to the bottom with cheap pizza chains, or blowing out coupons, But… Friday the 13th, we offered a large (16") hand tossed 2 topping pizza for $13.00 (excluding Tax, Title, Licensing, Dealer setup & freight) This was only advertised on...
  10. G

    Sliced tomatoes have some new rules , but need clarifications

    Due to a salmonella outbreak years ago, sliced tomatoes are now considered a potentially hazardous food. I can understand that, when they are not cooked, and served as an RTE product (Salads, & such) What I am not getting an answer to; is if you only use them on pizza, when they are cooked as a...
  11. G

    I got a call from the unemployment office the other day........

    They called to verify someones work-search requirements to continue collecting their unemployment benefits. I searched through my applications folder, I did not see this persons name anywhere, so I asked if there was a date that this person stated they filled out an application for employment...
  12. G

    In search of Portioning cups, I believe they're for Papa John's

    I had acquired a set of toppings portioning cups a few years back through a link on this forum I am trying to locate another set of these cups for a friend of mine. I suggested a pizza scale with a foot pedal to zero the scale after each topping is added, but he’s just not going for it. Does...
  13. G

    Hot Boxes for delivery scooters??

    I’m taking an older Harley Sportster, and turning it into a delivery scooter. Who has the good rigid product boxes for scooter delivery? What brands have you had problems with and that I should avoid?
  14. G

    Played around with some "Beer Dough", Oddly disappointing results

    Hopefully @Tom Lehmann can chime in to explain why I realized such wildly different results using my everyday dough formula, replacing 75% of the water with beer. (Miller Genuine Draft) The texture on my raised edge was very soft, like Wonder-Bread Soft, Yet stretching the dough after a 96 hour...
  15. G

    The "Ponza Rotta" (deep fried calzone)

    There’s a place in Waukesha WI that is famous for these deep-fried monsters, I’ve been playing with making them, my dough is excellent fried, but I do not trust it holding together in the fryer without a major blowout if I stretch it thin enough to cook properly on the inside. Does anyone else...
  16. G

    happy happy joy, joy, we may be getting puirchased

    I put my place on the market a few months back, a realtor brought a client by yesterday and they are submitting an offer rapidly, Surprisingly , They only wanted to see my gross/net sales for the last 3 years as opposed to everything. It showed some impressive growth too. They were mostly just...
  17. G

    Shop-owned delivery vehicles & nanny-cams....

    We are getting our own delivery vehicle, we plan to install a dashcam with 2 cameras on it, one to cover the front, and a wide angle rear facing lens to record driver actions. The particular model I plan to get has GPS tracking, shock sensors, accelerometers and 9-hour recording with swappable...
  18. G

    staff retention, and my golden handcuffs policy that failed.....

    More of a rant than anything else, but please feel free to share any retention ideas that you have been successful with, and ones that didn’t work too. My area; the available labor force is so thin, that the fast-food places are typically forced to close a few nights per week because they do...
  19. G

    WFO users. who are you able to get for insurance?

    I Have been having an ongoing battle between my health inspector and my insurer for 3 years now, My insurer will not allow our BBQ pit (UL Listed as zero clearance from combustibles) within 10 feet of the building, and I have my HD barking in the other ear saying it must be moved inside or built...
  20. G

    Anyone going to Sturgis this year?

    I’ll be out there from the night of the 2nd through the morning of the 5th, No reservations made, I’m just packing the bike with light camping gear and heading out. Let me know if you’re going, maybe meet up.