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  1. R

    Switching from Grande cheese

    Call grande and ask them what you should do. I think they would like to know they’re losing a customer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. R

    I need some help with my pizzeria, any insight?

    Took me 3 years to build up . Be patient. Continue what your doing . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. R

    Delivery Driver Dilemma

    Steve. I’m quoted $9.99 per delivery . The cost just doesn’t make sense for me. If it was less I would consider. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. R

    Delivery Driver Dilemma

    Unfortunately, this is a problem all over the place. You can’t compete with someone who makes $20-$30 an hour who can work whenever they want & not have to wash dishes or do anything else. I’m sure the government will step in soon and nix their independent contractor loophole. Sent from my...
  5. R

    i am about to sign up with 3rd party delivery vendors. any advise?

    I’m on most of them. Everything is negotiable. The lowest i think they go is 25%. Just be prepared their links will be attached to your google page. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. R


    You can always sauté the fresh mushrooms to give them some better taste Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. R

    3rd Party delivery services

    Once Uber started going out 30 minutes from my store , lots of drivers started cancelling orders bc they didn’t want to go the distance. I kept my eye out on many of these drivers and was able to hire a few part timers from them. I paid better and the tips were better. Over the years I was able...
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    Finally rid of 3rd party delivery services

    Of course I care registered guest Quite surprised your in this game long like me , and figured your brains can figure out a way around it like the others. Your still a troll. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Finally rid of 3rd party delivery services

    Not sure what you mean by this comment registered guest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Finally rid of 3rd party delivery services

    I have benefitted from these 3rd party companies. It’s about 10% of my sales. I’ve learned that people won’t change their platforms they order from because of their technology. I’ve jacked up all the prices on their platform 20% and people still pay it. It also brings my food outside my...
  11. R

    What kind of paper receipt do you place on your to go orders?

    Dave , not sure of your setup, but bumps made us more efficient then pushing tons of paper. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. R

    What kind of paper receipt do you place on your to go orders?

    Dave , who are you using for your pos these days? This is unacceptable in my opinion if this is a pos issue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. R

    Uber Eats, Grub Hub, Postmates, Amazon

    Steve, Some states this cannot be applied to. I think Connecticut is one of them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. R

    Keep next delivery order fresh when waiting for driver to return?

    Get a heating rack or put it In a hot bag. Our pos tracks out drivers live on a map and we know exactly where they are at all times and when they return. It really helps dispatching runs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. R


    I 2nd pizza cloud. We are 1 year with them. Great technology Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. R

    how to handle future orders

    Our pos closes out every 15 minute time slot for deferred orders so it caps at a certain amount. We simply cannot make everyone happy. If they want a specific time , they are told to call 45min to 1 hour before they want the delivery ,but we can’t guarantee the time. It will get there when it...
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    VOIP (Pizza Cloud)

    I never received an answer of what happened. But cellular is useless if their servers go down which is what I think happened. I was assured by their tech support team that they resolved it and have taken the steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again. The features outweigh all the bumps I’ve...
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    Payroll Services

    I’m paying about $68 for bi weekly payroll for about 10 employees. They take care of all filings , cut checks , w2, everything . I’ve heard horror stories about these small payroll companies who don’t forward the tax money and go out of business with your money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Payroll Services

    Adp. Run platform Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. R

    Hobart M802 Dough won't Rise

    Could be the temperature in the room. Try increasing your yeast amount Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk