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  1. T

    Dry pizza in delivery

    I can understand their criticism of the pizza now. I use 4-ounces/100+ grams on my 12-inch pizzas. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Dry pizza in delivery

    Taj; What is your pizza diameter and how much sauce are you presently using on it? Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Conveyor Workflow

    You can’t do it because you’re finding that the dough balloons up and rolls against the top fingers. You might try heavy docking, that can work. We do much the same as you are doing but we have a deck oven just for that application of baking the flat breads. If your oven has a center door you...
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    Dough is not good

    The dough will be extremely soft and sticky, stringy and impossible to handle without it tearing when it’s past its prime. If the dough was in a box and it is now flat and all flowed together and has a very pockmarked appearance it’s most likely past its prime. If you have a dough that you think...
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    Hi all! New starting business here, I have some questions

    The correct L value is only 20L so you will need to use only 0.1% of your malt product. As for the oven, all bets are off of the table regarding the top (and to some extent bottom) finger profile. You might contact Middleby-Marshall (Elgin, Illinois) with the serial number to find out what the...
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    Dough recipe from Scratch

    Veggie pizzas and air impingement ovens are a good match but you still need to bake the veggie pizzas correctly or saute the veggies prior to adding them to the pizza. If using raw vegetable toppings, depending upon your existing top finger profile, you may need to experiment with a different...
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    Need some dough advice

    Oh WOW! Your IDY is too low and the water is much too cold…what is the finished dough temperature? I use a similar dough formula and 65 to 70F water to achieve a finished dough temperature of 75 to 80F. When properly managed this gives me a cold fermented dough that can be used after 24-hours...
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    Hi all! New starting business here, I have some questions

    Looking at your dough formula I see you are adding malt, is this a diastatic or non-diastatic malt? If it is a diastatic malt what is it in powder or syrup form and what is the degree L (Lintner Value)? The correct baking temperature for your oven using SEASONED pizza screens will be about 465F...
  9. T

    Dough recipe from Scratch

    Raj; What is the dough weight and what is the diameter of pizza you are making? Also please send a picture of the dough in the pan as well as a picture of the baked pizza. Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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    Dough recipe from Scratch

    Raj1; Please tell me exactly what you are presently doing and also be sure to tell me about your oven, gas, wood, electric, commercial pizza oven or something else, grid, steel or stone deck or conveyor, baking time and temperature. Be as specific as you can regarding your dough formula and...
  11. T

    Fresh yeast and water temperature

    Raj; When you use fresh/compressed/brick/block wet yeast (all thew same product just known by different names) you don’t need to suspend the yeast in water unless you are mixing the dough by hand and even then you can use any temperature water needed to give you the targeted finished dough...
  12. T

    Edge Ovens - Best Size

    Production capacity is what it’s all about for the big box chains. Look at the difference in production capacity between the 3260 and the 3860 and ask yourself “Do I need the additional capacity afforded by the 3860?” Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
  13. T

    Cross stacking - I don't get it

    That plastic stretch wrap is not exactly cheap and it can provide an air tight seal over the dough balls which creates the dead air space which in turn slows the cooling of the dough balls. Plastic bags on the other hand can usually be reused, many stores just remove then and place in a clean...
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    Pizza sauce recipe and adding garlic

    I can’t say that it applies to all garlic/onion in the dry form but I’ve used a lot of different forms (powder, flakes and salt) as well as the same from different manufacturers and in all cases it caused the tomato pectin to gel. The best thing to do is to simply put it into a microwave safe...
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    Pizza sauce recipe and adding garlic

    Adding garlic, fresh or powdered to the sauce will result in the sauce thickening into tomato jelly. This is because the garlic, or onion acts as a catalyst causing the pectins in the tomato to gel. Since the sauce is now thicker we instinctively add more water to the sauce to thin it out again...
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    Cross stacking - I don't get it

    MSG, let’s back up the wagon a little, who ever said to coat the dough balls in olive oil? “Not I said The Dough Doctor” In fact I’ve said many times that all you need to use to coat the dough balls at this stage is just plain common, low cost salad oil or if you want to go for broke use a...
  17. T

    Switching to conveyor oven?

    To the sugar question, if your flour is not already malted by the flour miller you will need to add some sugar to the dough formula. I will assume that you are cold fermenting the dough balls for ??-hours (less than 24-hours it appears). If you are just adding 1% or so you shouldn’t have any...
  18. T

    Cross stacking - I don't get it

    Cross-stacking is used only when dough boxes are employed. This is because the dough boxes are, by themselves, pretty good insulators and when stacked the seal forms a sufficiently tight seal to form a dead air space which further insulates the dough ball. What this all adds up to is that the...
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    Switching to conveyor oven?

    It looks like you might be looking for their smallest oven? Maybe the #1830? Remember that production volume goes down and you will also lose some versatility with any oven much smaller than the #3240 (which is probably the most common size). As you are wanting to achieve a hearth baked crust...
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    Frozen pizza, how to reduce gum line

    Rico; The reason is because the crust is very hard to freeze due to its porosity so we freeze it by itself. This is always more effective without the toppings. Failure to do this will only diminish the actual freezing of the pizza since any latent heat still in the crust will move into the...