30-60-90 mailings

Other than Impact Worldwide anybody know a company that has a turn key 30-60-90 lazy customer mailing program. I am looking to simply send my database with the last order dates attached to each customer and then have the mailing company do the rest.

Our company does these mailings for pizzerias. In fact, we have a whole series of pizza-specific, sales-building programs. Drop me an email at sdartt@mailworksii.com to find out more. Thanks.

Did you ever consider doing your own?

I do my own now. However, I find it to be quite time consuming and labor intensive. Not to mention paying full postcard rates adds up quickly.

I was hoping to automate the process and eliminate having to stick address lables and stamps on each piece…not necessarily thinking it will save me money just time.

I started out doing that until I realized that you could just as easily print the addresses directly on the post cards as make labels. That cut a ton of time off my monthly lazy customer mailers. My next big advance was getting a bulk mail permit.

Most operators find it way to time-consuming to stay on top of these types of mailings. Our program is completely automated, 100% customized and offers various direct mail products to meet your needs. If you’ve got the time to do it yourself and can maintain the discipline to do these mailings all the time great, if not a good program will provide the kind of ROI that easily justifies its cost.

Discipline…that’s the other issue. Over the years I haven’t it and as a result I am not getting the most from these mailings.

Mailman, let’s talk. I will send you an email.