A big thank you

Thanks to everyone for helping me source all the products for our new place!

If any of you are in OC or southern Cal please let me know I would love to have you at my opening.


thanks again for all your help, I saved so much money on everything :slight_smile:

Very unique and classy. I hope all goes well for you.


Thank you! Where about are you?

defintelly a unique concept, keep us posted on how your business does!!

Barcelona, glad to hear you got all your stuff sourced out.

When’s grand opening? I believe I’d already mentioned I’m in the area. Stopped by today while shopping in downtown Fullerton, saw them laying down some flooring so I guess it’s still a bit away?

Yah, we hit some RED tape… ouch! delayed us about 2 weeks

Ouch! That’s too bad.

You’ll have to let us all know how it goes!