Cheese Issues--Ribbon Cheese vs. PollyO

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This industry never ceases to amaze me. Between product issues and staffing issues, I could lock the doors tomorrow and never look back. Anyway, problem of the day:

Well over a year ago, we switched to Leprino Ribbon Cheese. Amazing flavor, very consistent, great bake, great texture, etc. Couldn’t have been happier. The last few weeks it started to change. Last week, it was weak, not much flavor, strange melt. Last night I tried a pie again, GROSS!!! No flavor whatsoever, and it almost seemed to disintigrate in my mouth, hard to describe.

So, I check the box. It is dated 2/14/06!!! No, that’s not a typo. Yes, it would appear that my distributor has sent me cheese that’s 8 months old. The boxes and the blocks all have the same date.

So, I call them screaming this morning. They actually say “We can give you newer cheese” ??? Hello!!!

Is this an issue with my distributor or Leprino?

Another distributor swears by Polly-O, any thoughts? Please give me feedback asap, I can get a delivery monday morning if I order Sunday.
Chances are it’s a storage/rotation problem with your distributor. My suggestion to get through the rest of today and tommorow, go to Sams Club and purchase what you need to make it through. Don’t continue to serve 8 month old mozz. By all means get that newer stuff on Monday.
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Crawl up your sales rep’s well, you know. If you don’t like your answer, call Leprino and explain your concerns.
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 Another cool thing you can do is...
Hold on to the cheese and have an awesome St. Patty’s day special featuring… GREEN CHEESE!!!

You’ll tear 'em up!! -J_r0kk
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