Cost to run an electric Oven


New member
Just wondered how much it cost to run an single electric coveryor oven per hour.
Just roughly, as I am doing a business plan, need to do a forcast cost, then update it when I get my first store.
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In order to figure that out, you’re going to need to know the size of the heating elements in the oven (wattage or KW), and the cost of electricity delivered. Since you’ll probably be considered a “commercial” account with your electric company, you’ll want to see if you’ll be paying “demand charge” and if so, how much that is.
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Can I first ask a few things? Where are you located? Do you have the oven already? Is gas run too the building? If you have gas and do not currently have this oven…why are you looking electric? I think the vast majority here will argue go gas! Let us know…
It’s an electric Ivan
No gas
It’s already in the store, but I have not finalized the lease yets o I cannot turn it on and check how much it uses
But I wanted to do some costings
I am in the uk
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Can you get prior usage information from the previous owner or the utility company. Utility costs are an important part of the business plan so seller should be willing to provide data.

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I would have done, this guy went into liquidation
The landlord seized the property from them
So until I sign I cannot get in there.
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Maybe things are different in UK, when we went to power company they provided us with last years monthly consumption.
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There has been lots of discussion on electric ovens in the past and from what I recall not much good comes out of it…They are generally more expensive than gas and do not work very well…Will the oven in question handle your business volume?
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I would think the landlord would open the doors widely to a new possible tennant. Why hide this info? You must be able to walk through the space…go in and take pictures and write down info? If he refuses and wants you to blindly sign a lease on a space he is losing money on… I would run the other direction and fast! Bad business decision on walking into something without the details and also… you really want to lease from this person???
I’m a proponent of the old CTX electric conveyor ovens, having owned them 2X’s…I never felt the were power hogs…

But, they’re 3-phase and did need some massive breakers and used boat-load of power when 1st starting, but once up to temp, hey were great…and quite!
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I’m a proponent of the old CTX electric conveyor ovens, having owned them 2X’s…I never felt the were power hogs…

But, they’re 3-phase and did need some massive breakers and used boat-load of power when 1st starting, but once up to temp, hey were great…and quite!
What did they cost to run???
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I am in the UK with an electric deck oven, I couldn’t tell you how much the oven juices out of the wall as it take 30mins to heat up and then the thermostat kicks in regularly.

We are doing an energy audit at the moment and utility companies are amazingly coy at showing prices. At current we pay 15.9p/kWh plus 3.3p per day and some small hidden charges. I suspect this is a little high as it was a rolled on contract.

We currently pay approx £150.00 per month, based as evening only business, flourescent lighting, monitors, fan, two freezers, two refridgerators and the oven. Hope that helps for your business plan.
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Hi vernonpurcell:

There is no way to predict the cost of running an oven.

It depends on the hours of operation and the amount of product put through as well as the type of oven and KW capacity.

Someone with the same oven could give you their costs but your costs wiil probably be different.

George Mills
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I am in Crawley, West Sussex. I am about to sign the lease on a shop in Surrey
Getting so excited, I have a leaflet distribution company, so I am starting my business from the advertising end. I have had to learn the Pizza making side. Ive also had a Subway franchise, so I have had the traning to operate a quick service resturant. My lease should be signed next week.
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Small world, I live in Lingfield, Surrey. Make sure you get everything right from the outset, only one first impression. Let me know where you are when you up running and I will drop in a taste the second best pizza in the UK :lol:
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Express supplies are very good quality and service, trying UED next week as they have got some products that I like the look of. Not heard of quality tops but I am happy with Express.
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