Custom Neon Signs


New member
Anyone ever had any custom neon signs made for their shop? Care to share who made them?

I’m looking to get two made for our shop that just have our name and “open” on them, but I can’t find anyone who handles this locally.
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There is a home based company here locally, Columbia Mo, that makes custom neon signs. He has make a lot of signs for businesses in Columbia. I have been talking to him about a sign for our place but have not completed an order yet. But, he is highly recommended here in town. Call him at 573-474-6366 (Jim).
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I have had make two signs for me over the two years I have been open, both look great! Pretty reasonable prices back then too, have not looked at their prices in a while though.
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There is a home based company here locally, Columbia Mo, that makes custom neon signs. He has make a lot of signs for businesses in Columbia.I have been open, both look great! Pretty reasonable prices back then too, have not looked at their prices in a while though.custom neon signs
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I purchased one on Ebay! Very good work and extremely reasonable. Very professional and shipped securely. Just search custom neon signs.
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I was just reading an article about how an LED Open sign can be made to display other messages (like your shop’s name) as well as do interesting visual things with motion to draw attention. LED is also slightly less expensive on the front end than Neon (and I’d guess a lot less expensive than custom made?).

In addition, LED uses much less electricity than Neon. It’s comparable to using a CFL vs. an incandescent bulb though, so not worth switching an existing sign out as the payback would be about a gazillion years (my electricity savings would be like $2.00/month).

But if you’re needing to purchase a new sign anyways, might be worth considering.
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A good starting place might be

Do a search for Neon and Led Signs. They sell customizable signs as well as premade. No idea how competitive the pricing.
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There was a vendor at the NAPICS show we attended a couple of years back selling custom LED signs. I don’t have his info but remember being amazed at the cost since we’d been looking into them for a different project and he was way below what we were finding.

We’re planning on making a trip to Columbus again this year…maybe he’ll be around still. (and yeah, I realize this is an old thread…but who knows who is still looking).
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