Dough seems deflated and flat not much rise


New member
The dough seems to deflate after an hour out of cooler ,can anyone suggest anything to give it more rise and hold for longer.We make the dough and start selling it two hours to six hours later as pizzas.

Yeast ADY 1.21%
Sugar 2.14%
Salt 1.85%
OIL 5%
Water 9 Litres
Flour 14 KG

Thanks 😃
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“We make the dough and start selling it two hours to six hours later as pizzas.”
that could be your problem. mine would do the same thing plus not browning properly and bubbling. has this always been the method and result? what’s the rush? j
Thats how we have been making the dough for the last 12 years, but recently it has been deflating a lot and seems flat not much jump in the oven, how long should i mix it for does this develop the gluten .

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if you have been making it the same for 12 years what has changed recently? i seem to make my dough very differently than what i’ve seen here, for 41 years. j
The dough formula looks OK. The yeast level is only slightly high, so lets look at the dough management picture. How do you manage your dough? Specifically, what is the finished dough temperature after mixing? Do you take the dough directly to the bench for scaling and balling immediately after mixing? Do you cross stack your dough boxes, if so, for how long? At what time of the day do you make your dough?
If you can get back to us with this information we might be able to more accurately determine just what is happening with your dough.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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We make the dough at 2 Pm let sit in mix bowl till 3.30pm then roll into balls and then flatten out at 4p.m. after that we proof the dough for 30 minutes at room temp. and then put in the chiller, taking out when we need the pizza bases.We monitor the temp as well 26 degrees celsius for the water and then the finished dough should be 30 degrees . Thanx any advice would be a help.
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that is totally different than what i do. the water should be quite a bit warmer imo and i will not use dough until the next day, three days is optimal. how does your dough end up warmer than the water? j
Your water temperature is a little on the high side (calculates to 78F) and the finished dough temperature is also a little on the high side, calculating out at 86F. From what you have described, it looks like your dough is getting about 2.5-hours of fermentation time before it goes to the cooler as a flattened dough skin, which I’d estimate probably takes about another 45-minutes, or so, to cool down to 45F/7.3C at which temperature the dough stabilizes with regard to fermentation. A strong flour, with upwards of 13% protein content, should be able to tolerate this king of fermentation without much trouble (providing your yeast level is within the following range (1% for compressed yeast, or 0.5% for active dry yeast, or 0.375% for instant dry yeast). Those percentages are based on the total flour weight. With that said, if your yeast level looks reasonable, I would conclude that you flour might be too low in protein content, or possibly of poor protein quality. A good way to assess this would be to add 5% vital wheat gluten to the flour. This figures out to 50-grams per kilo of flour, or about 3/4-ounce per pound of flour weight. Be sure to dry blend the gluten into the flour prior to mixing it with the water. And increase the dough absorption by 1.5 times the weight of gluten that you added. For example, if you added 100-grams of vital wheat gluten, you would increase the amount of water added to the dough by 150-grams. This will increase the protein content of the flour by about 3%.
Make your dough and managei it in tyour normal manner, and let us know how it performs for you.
By the way, the reason why the finished dough temperature is higher than the water temperature is due to the friction created in the bowl due to the mixing action of the dough as it scrubs against the side of the bowl. I normally use 70 to 75F water to achieve a finished dough temperature of 80F.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks for your great advice tom ,am trying a higher protein stronger flour and will tru tofind some gluten ,thanks for your help.
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