floor layout (g mills)


Staff member
we have a couple of options for our new shop, small dine in area
wanted to see if someone had good design layout for a 35X60 (2100 sq ft)

I do have an another size I looking at will post it tomorrow
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Thanks Redbarn:

We welcome the opportunity to do a floor plan for prospective pizza operators.

Small recompense for the business we have enjoyed for so many years from the food service industry
If we can help or preclude mistakes we take great pleasure in doing so.

It is help full to know where the doors to the building are located or if that is our option to locate.

If there are existing rest rooms we need to know the location and size.
It is helpful to know where the gas line enters the building and where the electrical panel is located.

If there are any floor drains we should have their location.

Last but not least we need your menu so that we can include the equipment required.

George Mills
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