Increasing Delivery Orders During the Day

Recently our delivery orders have slowed down to almost nothing. Monday we had two deliveries. I’m willing to try anything. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to increase lunchtime deliveries.
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RFG Marketing Fax Service.
You need this in your life. call andy 1-877-444-2099 x 4. hes got a good rep across the think tank. I think we just convinced famouspizza to sign on.
Famous…How we doing with that??
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Just curious why you would want to increase “delivery” business. Why not just try to increase lunch business period? I mean, if you were able to increase your lunch business 300%, who cares if its delivery or not?
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Fax? What is that? LOL just kidding… sort of. The fax is a dinosaur and is not long for this world. If anything, people hate junk faxes more than they hate junk email. We don’t even accept incoming faxes at either of our businesses and rarely send one.

Figure out how to reach people in the modern era. Get email addresses and do an email blast with mailchimp that offers the daily special? Facebook? Newspaper (if you still have a local one), mailings to chamber member businesses (your chamber should give you labels or an address file if you are members.

Use box toppers to promote lunch deals, slice specials for walk ins, find those local coupon books and get in them, bring free lunch to local offices. Contact the receptionist and offer a free lunch for up to 10 people for a meeting. They will take it and they will call back for more in the future.
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In my market we couldnt not fax. Its old school but thats the way the office still like to get it. If it doesnt go out
I’ll get 50 calls asking for the specials. Some areas it works in, others it doesnt. We fax out 200 offices a day.
I have new offices opting to recieve faxs all the time (as old companies go out and new ones open).
I give them a coupon for $20.00 if they sign a waive to let me fax them. I also use some more 2010 ways…facebook,email and my website. I think the offices like the fax still because they can pass it around and write down what everybody wants. On the TT you either hate faxes or you love them. They have always been good to me.What
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I’ll go out on a limb and forecast that in 5 years more businesses will not have fax machines than do have them. Already, many receive faxes electronically and never print them.

Far be it from me to suggest stop doing something that works though!

We used to have a couple of fax service things around town that we tried. Never worked well and died years ago.

I would still work on the email side if you can. Check out you can set up an email template and use it over and over. It takes very little time to create a new email once the template is set up. If you can get emails rather than fax numbers, you can also build in your evening customers! You could even A/B list them and send some offers to one group and not the other or send to both.
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Pakula's Pizza:
RFG Marketing Fax Service.
You need this in your life. call andy 1-877-444-2099 x 4. hes got a good rep across the think tank. I think we just convinced famouspizza to sign on.
Famous…How we doing with that??
woops i knew I forgot to do something…thanks for the reminder!
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