Kitchen Nightmares revisits Amy's Baking Co

Listed to air 4/11. This should be interesting.

She is definitely one crazy lady

I watched that episode last night, I have no words to describe her behavior towards customers and staff. And I cannot decide which of the couple is/was worse.

In all my years, I have politely asked only one customer to not return, and when I did so, I did it as quietly and politely as I could to not cause a scene.
I was thanked by both my staff and a dining room full of customers.

lol let me get some popcorn this should be good!

I thought that episode was staged until I saw all the youtube crap from her after the fact. she is insane!

Tomorrow night!!
Amy’s Baking will be aired!
I cleared my schedule just to watch this,

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Gordon Ramsay actually returned to the restaurant. It’s very strange that he wasn’t shown in a single clip in the previews for tomorrow’s episode. The things I’ve read say we will catch up on what’s happened over the past year, and Gordon “offers his commentary”.

The second hour is at a Pizzeria in Denver though.