Newb ? On Orlando pizza show


New member
I have just bought into a bar kitchen that will be serving pizza, subs, wings and the usual finger food fair to the bar crowd but will soon be opening to the general public via s separate entrance way etc. My question is really about the pizza show and if it is newbie friendly or is it geared towards more of the seasoned pizza business and pro? I see it is attached to the food show so im sure i could get some ideas from there for other types of food, but my focus is really on pizza making at this time. Im seriously contemplating jumping on a plane on Friday the 9th and going ob that Saturday but i dont want to waste my time if its not worth it.


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If you want some serious “one on one” time with the best in the pizza industry you should seriously consider a trip to the NAPICS show in Columbus OH. I spent pretty much my entire visit there a couple of years back soaking up whatever Tom and Jeff were willing to share…and they were plenty willing! I think in part because it’s a smaller “regional” show I found the vendors had more time, and were way more interested in engaging in serious conversation and “middle of the aisle training sessions” than they were able to at the bigger shows.

The working kitchen and the seminars that Tom and Jeff put on though make the small entry fee the bargain of the year!
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Living in the Orlando area, its always a good idea to drop in to the various food shows/demos…

The show has been better b4 9/11, but well worth the entrance cost…

You’ll see a lot of things & you can adapt some of them to your needs…

Since I’m local, I’d be happy to answer any Q’s you might have…

@ the show, be sure to talk w/the good Dr. - Tom L., as he’s a wealth of wisdom…

The pizza aspect just takes up a few rows of the exhibit hall…used to be a lot more beer/liquor vendors, but you’ll see most of the major food service suppliers there, as well as many heavy-duty mfg of equip/seating/decor etc…

Not as big as the Chicago show, but worth an afternoon…
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IMHO the Orlando pizza show you don’t want to miss. I go every year and it gets better all the time. I think you will find the answers your looking for and more…Just the chefs who are there teaching about there products is worth being there. I plan to be there all three days and still will want more info. lol I believe Tom L will take time to talk to you I’ve talked to him several times. He’s a busy guy. But there are a lot of people that have a wealth of information that will be attending. I look forward to it…
Hope you decide to make the trip.
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