Old oven woes / mods & updates?

I’m running a pair of Blodgett 1000’s in my kitchen. If my serial number search was correct, they’re as old as me at 42 years. I love them, they look great, and they make great pies… but 3 years in business and I’ve replaced the thermostats and safety/pilot valves on both of them twice, and the pilot assemblies countless times. The OEM parts just don’t seem to hold up. It’s getting pricey, and of course a part always goes down on a Friday afternoon at 4pm.

Has anybody had luck with old ovens like these converting them to an electric ignition, or with alternative replacement parts that are more durable? Any other useful modifications I should consider as I approach an overhaul?
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I have worked with Blodgett 1000’s for over 40 years and currently our shop uses 2 that are of your era. The only problem I have with them is the thermocoupler will go out every couple years. I keep a few on hand. I have also replaced the original safety pilot (red button) once about 5 years ago. Also replaced 1 of the thermostadts this summer because it had a crack and was leaking gas ever so slightly. For 50 year old ovens that is pretty minimal upkeep. Maybe you are buying low quality parts? I get the Blodgett replacement parts via their website. I see there are some parts on ebay that are much cheaper than the Blodgett prices and I fear they are some cheap China made copies. I have worked on most of the gas deck ovens and nothing cooks as evenly and consistently as the 1000’s. They need to have the original stones to bake this good. I would invest in the original replacement parts from Blodgett and I bet you will be running smooth as silk. Walter
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Thanks guys. I had thought the parts I was getting were OEM. I’ll order direct from Blodgett next time and see if those offer a bit better lifespan. I’ve got the original stones—there’s no substitute for good old fashion asbestos, right? George - I’ve worked with conveyor ovens in the past. They’re great for some contexts, but not such a good fit for what we’re doing. That and I don’t think could make one fit in our space. Our lateral arrangement is pretty tight. Plus I have a very open kitchen. If people are going to be able to see in the kitchen, we’ve got to be able to give the folks a show. I come from a beer background, and you learn quickly that people drink with their eyes as much as their mouth. When it comes to specialty pizzas, it seems to be a similar situation.
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I replaced my Blodgett 1000’s a couple of years ago with Marsal and Sons SD series ovens. The Marsal ovens are great, but I do miss the Blodgetts. They kept breaking on me and 2 of the 4 had pretty severely cracked stones and the burners were going. I thought about replacing everything in them at one point with all new parts.
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