Reheating pasta

This is probably a really basic question, but I think I probably know less about cooking than anybody else here.

When reheating pasta to serve, does the water have to be boiling or just hot? Or maybe just warm if the sauce is piping hot?

Thanks in advance!

I would recommend you use boiling water not only for time but to be up to par with the heating requirements that your health department looks for. I don’t think you would just wanna warm it up, then let the piping-hot sauce do the work to get everything up to temp. Just make sure you pasta is close to al dente and not overcooked to begin with.

we run all our pasta “cold” but topped w/sauce & mozz thru the oven for 6.4 minutes

We par cook ours and then portion control it into platic take away trays with lids and store them in the freezer. Sauces are portion controlled and stored the same way. When we want them we thaw and re-heat the sauce in the microwave and put the pasta in a saucepan of boiling water for a couple of minutes to thoroughy heat and finish cooking.


assuming this is a regular pasta, and not a baked pasta, boiling please…to ensure the pasta is heated through. only takes a minute.

Ok, boiling it is. Thanks for all of your responses!